Picture w/resume?

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Senior Member
Right here.
When I was in high-school, and we were learning about composing resumes, it must have been a transitional time. The teacher told us that in the past a small photograph of yourself was typically included with the resume, but for whatever reason, that practice has stopped. I forget what the reason was.

The reason I'm asking is because I'd sorta like to have a picture of an employee candidate. Is it legal (EEOC-wise) to ask for the submission of a photo with the resume?
I'm sure it was stopped, so the decision would not be based on a person's looks. You know, discrimination and all.
My company does take a picture, once you're hired, for personnel records, 'cause there's so many of us.
I don't think there is any legal problem with it, but it is definitely taboo practice IMO. To me it would be a good way to get your R?sum? canned without a read.
yursparky said:
I'm sure it was stopped, so the decision would not be based on a person's looks. You know, discrimination and all.
My company does take a picture, once you're hired, for personnel records, 'cause there's so many of us.
It's still legal to "discriminate" against an ugly person. There is a short list of reasons you can't use as a criteria.
dereckbc said:
I don't think there is any legal problem with it, but it is definitely taboo practice IMO. To me it would be a good way to get your R?sum? canned without a read.
I wasn't thinking about me sending one, I was thinking more along the lines of requesting a small photo w/resume submission. Somebody just PM'd me saying their wife is a model, and they have to send many photos with their resume, and bring even more to an interview.
Run it by a lawyer to be safe. I think for one of the jobs I applied for awhile ago they requested a picture so they could be sure that you were actually you at the tests and interview.
mdshunk said:
When I was in high-school, and we were learning about composing resumes, it must have been a transitional time. The teacher told us that in the past a small photograph of yourself was typically included with the resume, but for whatever reason, that practice has stopped. I forget what the reason was.

The reason I'm asking is because I'd sorta like to have a picture of an employee candidate. Is it legal (EEOC-wise) to ask for the submission of a photo with the resume?

If the picture was of a guy wearing a suit.....:grin:

.....He just might keep my truck clean.
mdshunk said:
Somebody just PM'd me saying their wife is a model, and they have to send many photos with their resume, and bring even more to an interview.

If someone is a model, there is a clear business reason for
a picture, because models pose for pictures as part of
their employment.

In 20 years of interviewing people, I can think of lots that
I wouldn't hire as soon as they opened their mouths, but
I can't think of any I'd rule out on the basis of their picture.
mdshunk said:
When I was in high-school, and we were learning about composing resumes, it must have been a transitional time. The teacher told us that in the past a small photograph of yourself was typically included with the resume, but for whatever reason, that practice has stopped. I forget what the reason was.

The reason I'm asking is because I'd sorta like to have a picture of an employee candidate. Is it legal (EEOC-wise) to ask for the submission of a photo with the resume?
You are hiring underwear models again??
quogueelectric said:
You are hiring underwear models again??
Yeah, trying to tap into the gay/lesbian market. :)

Actually, that's a marketing tip for you. Cheap papers to advertise in, and they're generally a good batch of customers from a business standpoint.
mdshunk said:
Yeah, trying to tap into the gay/lesbian market. :)

Actually, that's a marketing tip for you. Cheap papers to advertise in, and they're generally a good batch of customers from a business standpoint.

I'm speechless. Gay means happy, right?
mdshunk said:
Yeah, trying to tap into the gay/lesbian market. :)

Actually, that's a marketing tip for you. Cheap papers to advertise in, and they're generally a good batch of customers from a business standpoint.
Already on it like stink on a monkey. Not everyone is straight out in the hamptons. I respect thier lifestyle and I expect the same courtesy. I am easy but I am not cheap.


quogueelectric said:
Already on it like stink on a monkey. Not everyone is straight out in the hamptons. I respect thier lifestyle and I expect the same courtesy. I am easy but I am not cheap.

where do you advertise?

some live on cruved roads


does easy cost approx. $5k/hr??

rexowner said:
In 20 years of interviewing people, I can think of lots that
I wouldn't hire as soon as they opened their mouths, but
I can't think of any I'd rule out on the basis of their picture.

I can think of a few that I did not hire due to what they wore to the interview. If they do not have enough respect for me or my company to dress up just ever so slightly for the interview then they will not portray the image I would like to have for my company.

This brings up another question I had.
I've never had it happen but often wondered what I would do if an extra large person showed up to apply for a helper position. Knowing there's no way they can physically crawl under most houses or up 10 foot ladders to work between lay in ceiling grids. It seems like it would be discrimination, but the fact is they would not be able to do the job.
SmithBuilt said:
I can think of a few that I did not hire due to what they wore to the interview. If they do not have enough respect for me or my company to dress up just ever so slightly for the interview then they will not portray the image I would like to have for my company.

This brings up another question I had.
I've never had it happen but often wondered what I would do if an extra large person showed up to apply for a helper position. Knowing there's no way they can physically crawl under most houses or up 10 foot ladders to work between lay in ceiling grids. It seems like it would be discrimination, but the fact is they would not be able to do the job.
You must make reasonable accommidations
mdshunk said:
...The reason I'm asking is because I'd sorta like to have a picture of an employee candidate. Is it legal (EEOC-wise) to ask for the submission of a photo with the resume?

I think you are asking for trouble by asking for a picture, and you open yourself up to a discrimination claim.

As for an applicant volunteering a picture, as an employer that would be the first resume I read and if that person were qualified they would also be the first interviewed.

HR is one of my biggest headaches, I have been trying to hire a PM for 6 months, and I would give my first born for a good foreman.
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