piping for service entrance conductors

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I was doing a residential service today. My boss told me you need rigid pipe if it extends through the soffit. Otherwise you can use emt.

Can someone tell me the code reference on this? I can't seem to find it.
I agree it is a POCO rule, but if the mast is not supporting the service drop from the pole I don't see why it would have to be RMC.
230.43 lists all the types of raceways and cables the NEC allows for service entrance conductors.

230.28 tells us if the raceway supports the overhead drop 'it shall be of adequate strength'

POCO is the power company and they often have specific rules about mast supported drops, usually require RMC of a minimum size.
POCO usually has own standards and a book they will give you . Best to just adjust to what they want. You can fight nec but don't even try to fight poco. Most are very friendly but you will comply.
In Washington, a mast can be used to support service drops if it is RMC. EMT is not allowed to be used for service conductors, our state only allows 8 wiring methods for service conductors.
So in addtion to be a POCO rule, it may be a state or local requirement.
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