No, but I think the sight of a can light trim that isnt sucked up tight against the sheetrock would be a bigger nightmare for me....
ok. you want hard pipe, and no pushdown.
now, that we have a picture, it's easier.
bend short 90's out of the top of the j box.
kick them so they lay alongside one of the truss zigzags.
you can cross the trusses or run parallel with one, doesn't matter.
tie wire them to the steel truss strut. they will scooch as necessary.
all the trusses we use here have steel tube lattice. if yours are wood,
use nail straps, and don't set them too hard.
there won't be any push down from vibration.
pull wire, make up before sheetrock, fold the wire nuts facing
the inside cover of the j box, so you can get to them later if needed.
me, i'd use stranded wire, but then again, i always use stranded wire.
make up with wagos, walk away.