So we've established it depends on jurisdiction
I thing it would be pretty standard that anything that increases the load will require a plan check revision to be approved by the AHJ.
I like to get the process clear with the contractor up front. I tell them that anything can be changed on the plans, but some things will hold up rough inspections.
Here in CA lighting is a good example. Not only do we have basic load calc's to worry about, we have our Energy COde calc's involved. So if a designer adds luminaires in a hard lid, there can be no electrical inspection of that lid until revised plans stamped by the AHJ are on the job for inspection.
I've heard other palces will just let you go until final and call for plans to be revised and sent to the city for approval.
If you're on a job and have a moment quiz the inspector about that AHJ's procedure. A lot of foremen don't like workers talking to inspectors so don't step out of line there.