Podcasts for electricians?

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Can you get it done it like a Tokyo Rose voice instead of a raspy old electrician croaking sound?
All I can think of is Bobs avatar and Clint Eastwoods voice in Heartbreak Ridge.:D
iwire said:
Settle down, we would have said the same thing about pod-casts from copper.org or AFCIs.com etc.

It was not an anti-union statement.
First of all I didn't get worked up by it so there's no need to settle down. Second since you're not Peter D how would you know whether it was anti -union or not?
mdshunk said:
Anything you'll ever read, listen to, or watch in your life is biased by some means. I've always subscribed to the theory that something is better than nothing. Heck, you could probably even learn a little nugget watching CNN, even though FOX news is better. :grin:
So even Fox News is a little biased? But I thought "Fair and Balanced" was their slogan? Lol!
steelersman said:
First of all I didn't get worked up by it so there's no need to settle down. Second since you're not Peter D how would you know whether it was anti -union or not?

Actually Bob was dead on with his comment. :)

If you can read anti-union into my comment, then you are mistaken. I said their podcast most certainly will be biased. I said nothing about their philosophy. There is a difference.
steelersman said:
First of all I didn't get worked up by it so there's no need to settle down.

I hear you, maybe a bad choice of words on my part. I should have said 'don't worry about it' or 'let it slide'.

Second since you're not Peter D how would you know whether it was anti -union or not?

  1. I read the post.
  2. I worked side by side with Peter for about a year.

EBFD6 said:
I take so much crap from my wife about the time I spend on here, I can only imagine what kind of comments she would have if I started subscribing to electrical related podcasts :grin:

She tells me I'm a geek at least twice a week.

"See Honey! I'm not the only one,The entire Human Race Needs us!"
Wife, "Rolls Eyes" at this point. lol
brantmacga said:
EC&M Podcasts

there's only a few at that link; seems like I get weekly e-mails about different podcasts they have.
Baised.... But I'm sure Cummings spent top dollar for the banner ad over the CAT sponsored podcast.

Anyway - when not abusing you folks with my company - I head over here into the wood zone. If one were to do some Electrician podcasts - I hope they would be as entertaining.
cell texts

cell texts

Something I am doing for our guys, and it is free if anyone is interested, is Code Questions sent to cell phones.

I send it out in the morning, and the following morning I send the answer and another question.

I gear it toward practical applications we deal with everyday. Questions that will pop up on exams.

I find a learn best a little at a time(and I do mean a little!). This way, our guys receive the question, chew on it, argue 'bout it or even heck, might look it up (nah, surely not).

If anyone is interested, just pm me. Be glad to add you to the list.

"When you are green you grow, when you are ripe, you rot"

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