Poll please. Tool cases.

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Poll please. Tool cases.

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I have a small fortune tied up in test equipment, I buy hard cases for all test equipment. A DLRO I bought 25 years ago looks better that a friends of mine that is 2 years old. All our men treat them the same, at 2:00 AM after 20 hours on a job, chuck them in the truck. Then throw 300lbs of copper bus on top.

Last year I found a 10,000.00 piece of equipment on a truck that the employee reported stolen under 10 tons of JUNK. This employee was sentenced Aug 1 2008 to 20-40 years in the state pen.

I often say I have more money tied up in cases than most ECs have i test equipment.
brian john said:
Last year I found a 10,000.00 piece of equipment on a truck that the employee reported stolen under 10 tons of JUNK. This employee was sentenced Aug 1 2008 to 20-40 years in the state pen.

Sounds like there is more to it then a simple false report.
Trovmar said:
:cool: Were did you get those gloves?

The North's or the Klein's? I can give you several links for gloves and PPE. Unlike test equipment, I don't always stick to one manufacturer when it comes to PPE. Buttttttt, if I had to chose one over thee others, it would be Salisbury:smile:
quogueelectric said:
Hey no fair!! Some guys voted twice and some even 3times!!!!!
That's kind of the primary feature of a "public" "multiple choice poll." :D

I do a walkthrough, and carry my bags in with me. I know I'll need them in any instance. So I voted twice. :)
George Stolz said:
That's kind of the primary feature of a "public" "multiple choice poll." :D

I do a walkthrough, and carry my bags in with me. I know I'll need them in any instance. So I voted twice. :)
K just checkin........... The cow eats cheese has whiskers and a long tail. :D
Sounds like there is more to it then a simple false report.

Yeah I wanted to kill him for his care of tools. Totally unrelated he was arrested for a brutal assault on his wife's friend.
On the OP. I usually walk into a job with a few things - A Flathead screwdriver in a pocket - a small flash light, and note pad with a pencil. Find out what, when and where's then set up the tools and time for the job...

On the topic of buying tool cases - I would suggest some that stack easily on a cart.... This company makes some REALLY EXPENSIVE tools, but most come in these stack-able lock-together containers that make walking into a finished (non-obstacle ridden) job-site really easy.

But on the cheap I have been doing something similar for many years now... Load tools and materials into these, ($15ea.) and load them onto a cart.

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A lot of the time I'll just carry in a 10-in-1 and T5 to get started. I've managed to fix lots of things with just those two tools, only having to go back out to the truck for just a part or maybe a flashlight.
mdshunk said:
A lot of the time I'll just carry in a 10-in-1 and T5 to get started. I've managed to fix lots of things with just those two tools, only having to go back out to the truck for just a part or maybe a flashlight.

Thats exactly what I carry in first as well. Sometimes my kleins as well.

I couldn't vote my present work doesn't consist of any of these aspects, and frankly never has.

I will agree that klines, a flat and a star srew driver(s) can get one into trouble 24-7-365. :roll:

Hope everyone has a Safe and Restfull weekend. Oh, and don't forget to enjoy it!!!
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