Pool equipment insulated ground?

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Senior Member
Good morning all.

Reading around article 680.

My question is for a single circuit supplying a plug in pool pump (and maybe a polaris), does that ground need to be insulated (not UF).

I remember that for spas/hot tubs regular wiring methods can be used in the building (not insulated ground), but then the ground needs to be insulated when going outside to the spa/hot tub.

I'm reading that feeders to pool equipment need an insulated ground, but I can't locate if a single circuit (to a recpt or two) needs an insulated ground.

Just to add to the question.
If a single circuit (or even two.... lets say someone brought out a 12 or 10 - 3 UF to the pump area) does not require an isolated ground to a receptacle or receptacles.
If a person where to put overcurrent protection at the load of those conductors............would they then be turning those circuits into a feeder and would then require an insulated ground?

Gotta look at a small job tomorrow. There is an existing pool pump (receptacle) that I believe someone also added a polaris to and the polaris box is smoking.
Just got me thinking if I see UF to the recept.......and the insulated ground....

Which got me thinking about aliitle pool house I saw with 12-2 uf feeding a trough to disconnects feeding some pool pump equipment and lighting (eg: by definition I believe
now would be considered a feeder.not a circuit.......correct?).

Thank you.
Basically you can for a sfd as long as the UF is not in the ground. I am betting you want to bury the cable- in that case I would say NO.
sfd? whats that........

No, I don't want to bury the cable. But when I walk up to pools and see a receptacle feeding a motor fed with UF to be able to say that's wrong and be correct.

I remember another post Dennis mentioned about connecting the equipotential bonding grid to the internal ground of the double insulated motor.
Is 680-21(B) what was being talked about?

It seams to say any wiring method that is approved for that location would be acceptable, then it turns around and refers bonding of the motor unless the bonding grid is not connected
to the dwelling eg (680-26 (B) (6)(a) second sentence.. But then that refers you back to 680-21 (A) to be insulated.

Still working this out in my head..........
Maybe I'm missing something, but my approach:
1st..is it a storable pool (per NEC definition) ? ... if so no problem
If it's not "storable" then 680.21
2nd Assuming 680.21, is the pump a double insulated listed cord and plug pool pump. If so,
680.21(B) no problem
3rd If not double insulated, then the equipment grounding conductor must be insulated, except
interior wing in a sfd.
Maybe I'm missing something, but my approach:
1st..is it a storable pool (per NEC definition) ? ... if so no problem
If it's not "storable" then 680.21
2nd Assuming 680.21, is the pump a double insulated listed cord and plug pool pump. If so,
680.21(B) no problem
3rd If not double insulated, then the equipment grounding conductor must be insulated, except
interior wing in a sfd.

Thank you
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