Senior Member
I have a high end customer that called today about the fact that his pool pump has been replaced 5 times in seven years. He asked his "handy man" to determine the problem but he said it was too difficult for him so he called me. Well other than the obvious, if there is anything obvious, there could be a million places to start. I haven't actually been to the residence but he says he has sufficient surge protection and nothing else has been effected like the pump. Since there have been multiple pumps it would seem the problem lies somewhere else, but where? How would I go about determining the problem if everything is currently running fine, surge protections in place, and nothing seems too obvious. is it possible the pump may be overworked based on what it's being asked to do?? Any ideas about what to look for would be greatly appreciated...this guy will want to hear or see some kind of answer I'm sure. Thanks for ANY feedback!!