Portable Generator Grounding

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Little Bill

Staff member
Tennessee NEC:2017
Semi-Retired Electrician
I was just checking my portable generator (7.5KW) and was looking in the manual. I came to this part and wonder why they keep insisting the generator be grounded to earth via a ground rod? They even go so far as saying it will protect against an electrical shock.
The national Electrical Code requires that the frame
and external electrically conductive part of this genera-
tor be properly connected to an approved earth ground.
Local electrical codes may also require proper ground-
ing of the unit. For that purpose, connecting a No. 10
AWG (American Wire Gauge) stranded copper wire to
the grounding lug and to an earth-driven copper or
brass grounding rod (electrode) provides adequate pro-
tection against electrical shock
. However, local codes
may vary widely. Consult with a local electrician for
grounding requirement in the area.
Proper grounding of the generator will help prevent
electrical shock in the event of ground fault condition in
the generator or in connected electrical devices. Proper
grounding also helps dissipate static electricity, which
often builds up in ungrounded devices
I was just checking my portable generator (7.5KW) and was looking in the manual. I came to this part and wonder why they keep insisting the generator be grounded to earth via a ground rod? They even go so far as saying it will protect against an electrical shock.

Seems odd. Does the generator have a N-G bond?
It did until it didn't!
So mif it's hooked into your panel, and your panel is grounded it's still grounded, just by way of a long wire :)

I really can't see a reason to drive a ground rod at the generator, I really don't see a reason not to either. As far as grounding it when used as a portable with the N-G bond intact, It seems like it would increase the risk of a shock
250.34 Portable and Vehicle-Mounted Generators. (A) Portable Generators. The frame of a portable generator shall not be required to be connected to a grounding electrode as defined in 250.52 for a system supplied by the generator under the following conditions:
(1) The generator supplies only equipment mounted on the generator, cord-and-plug-connected equipment through receptacles mounted on the generator, or both, and
(2) The normally non–current-carrying metal parts of equipment and the equipment grounding conductor terminals of the receptacles are connected to the generator frame.
In one of MH videos, Mike stated that he had contacted every generator mfg that he could find and thought he had (most of) them convinced to stop requiring ground rods at generators.
In one of MH videos, Mike stated that he had contacted every generator mfg that he could find and thought he had (most of) them convinced to stop requiring ground rods at generators.
I know that he recently said that one of the companies that he convinced to stop requiring the rods, went back to requiring them.
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