wow. great topic, and amazing response.
Iwire, I used to think that the grounding req't was actually reducing safety- 1. It introduces the possibility of getting a shock from hot to ground, whereas if the generator was actually insulated from ground the shock hazard wouldnt exist. (like isolation transformer for patient care areas, or arc flash hazard reduction from using ungrounded delta)
2. It also introduces the very real possibility of driving a rod into an underground utility. Many people arent going to wait the required 48hrs to have u/g utils located before driving the rod.
And it seemed a waste of effort for an uncertain benefit. Unlike Iwire, we didn't have a winch to remove the rods at the end of the show... groan
Now, having seen a lot of reasoned responses, I believe there is some merit to the dissipation of static idea. The genny could build up it's own charge from air movement, and the system as a whole could become charged from induced voltage.
So- what if there was a provision added to allow a substantial static ground- like parking the truck on a big steel plate and grounding to it?
Any thoughts, yall?