Power bleed in PVC conduit\liquid tight

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I am having a problem with power bleed from wires I ran in a 3/4 sched 80 conduit. I think I may have used the wrong wire, put to many in the conduit or have defective wire. Not sure which but I am pulling out what little hair I have left trying to figure this out.

I used 12 gauge solid THNN\THWN wire. There are 4 in the conduit (red, black, green, white). The run starts from the pool controller into a liquid tight 2 foot whip to the junction box. From the junction box it goes under ground for about 12 feet and back up to the gazebo into another junction box - all in pvc conduit except for a 2' whip in liquid tight and I just finished yesterday. No rain and the joints to the pvc are glued tight. Oddly, I am not showing power on the neutral or ground. The power supply wire (black) that is providing the power supply is the same that is used to power the pool controller and lights which work fine. The neutral is also the same used to power the pool and lights (white) and it works fine. Ground is to the ground bar where the controller and pool pump are grounded (green) This is also connected to a GFCI receptacle and I am not getting a fault but I am getting power where there should be none

Whenever I connect the red to the power source I am getting power to the black even when it is not connected to anything - even on the 2' whip disconnected end from end. When I disconnect the red and connect the black I get power to the red even though it is not connected to anything - again even on the short 2' run where I can see the wires dangling and not touching anything I still get power when nothing is connected.

Did I use the wrong wire?

Did I use to small of a conduit?

Do I have defective wire?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as I am beginning to believe in ghosts:)

Thank you,
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