proper way to repair over-stripped wire insulation

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I still think that it is a code requirement, it's just that we have to apply more than one rule to get to that point.

It's getting to that point I am having a tough time with, at least doing it by code surfing.

I thought it was a code requirement also, yet I think you have brought up a loop hole IMO.

I see no 1/4" sheath requirement for a plain metal box as of yet.
So, if I don't leave a minimum of 1/4" in a metal SqD service panel, which rule have I violated?

312(C) just says I have to secure the cable to the box unless a bunch of exceptions are met, one being that 'the sheath is continuous through the raceway and extends into the enclosure......not less than 1/4". That tells me that if I did secure it to the box, I would not need to heed a-g.

Try installing NM with a C-500 or NST-50 and not have a 1/4" in the metal box.

Guess if the sheath is held by the clamp that is good enough for the NEC.
Check out article 314.17(B) for requirements when using Metal Boxes or Conduit Bodies.
Welcome to the forum! Check out the date of the last post to which you responded: June 23, 2012; note that it's 7-1/2 years old.

It's common in forums that new members dig up old threads when searching for unread topics, so no serious criticism intended.

To respond to the OP, it is permissible to repair and/or restore NM sheaths with materials that effectively restore the protection.
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