Proposals for the 2011 NEC

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Senior Member
Hello All,:grin:
In light of the fact that the 2008 NEC has already been released in print, don't you think it's time to start making proposed changes known that we'd like to see improvised in the 2011 edition ? :roll:
We can't change the past.
Carl :)
wbalsam1 said:
I think this process is already ongoing...:smile:

Absolutely it is! Go to the back of your '08, after the index, to what would be page 824 if the page numbers continued, and start reading there.
I agree, something should happen.

- Should this forum be renamed "Proposals...2011" and leave all the 2008-related proposals here?
- Should this forum be renamed "2008 NEC" and a new forum area opened for 2011 proposals?
- Should all the 2008 proposals be dumped somewhere else, like the NEC forum, and this area renamed "Proposals for the 2011 NEC"?
- Should this forum be renamed "Proposals to the NEC" and if someone makes a proposal to the wrong cycle, we just correct them?

What do you (everybody) think?
georgestolz said:
I agree, something should happen.

- Should this forum be renamed "Proposals...2011" and leave all the 2008-related proposals here?
- Should this forum be renamed "2008 NEC" and a new forum area opened for 2011 proposals?
- Should all the 2008 proposals be dumped somewhere else, like the NEC forum, and this area renamed "Proposals for the 2011 NEC"?
- Should this forum be renamed "Proposals to the NEC" and if someone makes a proposal to the wrong cycle, we just correct them?

What do you (everybody) think?

George, I think it's time to archive 2008 proposals , leave 2008 discussions ongoing , and rename the proposals to read 2011 .
Carl :) ( I almost used bold lettering )
georgestolz said:
I agree, something should happen.

- Should this forum be renamed "Proposals...2011" and leave all the 2008-related proposals here?
- Should this forum be renamed "2008 NEC" and a new forum area opened for 2011 proposals?
- Should all the 2008 proposals be dumped somewhere else, like the NEC forum, and this area renamed "Proposals for the 2011 NEC"?
- Should this forum be renamed "Proposals to the NEC" and if someone makes a proposal to the wrong cycle, we just correct them?

What do you (everybody) think?

A lot of AHJs are still enforcing the '05, and may not adopt the '08 for another year or two. There's also some places still on the '02 or '99!
I would not archive the '08 Proposals. Discussion as to why they were submitted, as well as why they were or were not accepted are still valid in terms of discussion, researching and thoroughly understanding our professsion. I would suggest having two forums, one for '08 proposals so we can continue to complain about AFCIs and TR receps, and another for '11 so we can make the future a brighter place.
480sparky said:
A lot of AHJs are still enforcing the '05, and may not adopt the '08 for another year or two. There's also some places still on the '02 or '99!
...And currently, we field those discussions in the NEC forum. ;)

480sparky said:
I would suggest having two forums, one for '08 proposals so we can continue to complain about AFCIs and TR receps, and another for '11 so we can make the future a brighter place.
wbalsam said:
I'm in favor of a separate and distinct forum for 2008
I'm in favor of a separate and distinct forum for 2011
Will I get in trouble for complaining about AFCIs and TR receps in the NEC forum? :D

I am in favor of making the existing Proposals forum undated, and moving on as it was. As it stands, the preferred original post in this forum is outlined here by Bob Alexander. If someone makes a proposal to the 2005 on accident, we simply correct them.

I mean, at the end of the day, we can try to make a seperate forum for every cycle for the past ten years, but people are people and will end up posting in a general spot anyway, you know what I mean? :)

This area exists to help members draft proposals, more so than it does to gripe about what's proposed, right? Griping is more of a general discussion "NEC Area" thing to do, IMO. :)

Edit to add: Yes, I am lobbying for the fourth option I laid out above. :D
georgestolz said:
Really, I think we ought to rename that one "Lighting". :D

I never understood how lightning got grouped with power quality.

I'm for the above Forum change proposals as soon as the webmaster can make this thing run fast on weekends. Until then I wouldn't bother him. It appears he's got his hands full.
Hint , Hint

Hint , Hint

Why not a new "Proposals for 2011", Problems with 2008(Formerly Proposals):rolleyes:

EDIT "(copy)"

Situations with 2008 (Formerly Proposals)
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The forum should be renamed 2011 proposals and by default all other posts regarding the 2008 code should fall under the NEC forum. Like George said we would have forums discussing each individual code cycle.Or do we change the name of the NEC forum to "Complaint Dept":)
this might be in the wrong thread (or not), but I got to thinking that maybe, in addition to the "Forum member" stickers, we could make up some little red stickers which would say something like "This installation may be NEC compliant, but it is a violation/in non-compliance of/with the Mike Holt Forum"

This thread should be renamed "Proposals for the 2011 NEC"

The proposal and comment period for 2008 has come and gone and the 2008 NEC is already in print. All further 2008 discussion should fall under the NEC thread

joebell said:
This thread should be renamed "Proposals for the 2011 NEC"

The proposal and comment period for 2008 has come and gone and the 2008 NEC is already in print. All further 2008 discussion should fall under the NEC thread

I agree with that. But than will the NEC thread be dealing with Q & A related to all previous codes' or just those relative to 2008 ? I know that there are some areas that are only requiring that all electrical work meet the requirements of 2005 and even as far back as 1999 .

Carl :-?
Key word Proposal

Key word Proposal


IMO the thread NEC should deal with the Q&A of the present code. I understand some jurisdictions are on different revisions of the code but the poster should let the forum know in thier post which revision they are abidding to. The title of this thread is proposals and as stated earlier we are now in the proposal period for 2011 NEC.

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