Pulling (4) 500kcmil XHHW conductors through 4" diameter 40 PVC conduit?

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They come in Nice patriotic colors as well !!!


It looks great but would get a red tag here.

Where are your bell ends or bushings?
I knew as soon as like something , something is wrong with. Happens all the time. I starred at the picture but just could'nt find it
The OP should note that eight 250's don't have the ampacity of four 500's.
Don't you just love the new fall colors? :grin:

could you please elaborate on this ?
i was going to ask why he would use 250's since he could go down at least a wire size, or did you just state this backwards ?
It looks great but would get a red tag here.

Where are your bell ends or bushings?

still at the supply house where they belong...PVC and it is not terminating to the transformer it is stubbed up into it. same as all the PVC in the bottom of the gear in pic 10...I don't recall ever putting bell ends on them like that.

But now sitting here thinking about it, I always do on MV cable ???:-?

But thanks for the appreciation of craftsmanship...for the "LOOKS" anyways.
could you please elaborate on this ?
i was going to ask why he would use 250's since he could go down at least a wire size, or did you just state this backwards ?

8-250's in one conduit would have derating issues which would lower their ampacity.
still at the supply house where they belong...PVC and it is not terminating to the transformer it is stubbed up into it. same as all the PVC in the bottom of the gear in pic 10...I don't recall ever putting bell ends on them like that.

PVC or not the NEC requires it. I can not give you the section right now.

But thanks for the appreciation of craftsmanship...for the "LOOKS" anyways.

It does look great. :smile:

For what it is worth we come up under transformers like that whenever we can.
Picture on post 10. I've had inspectors say like the yellow wire bent like it is . Is now not the same length

Then that is an inspector that hasn't terminated much gear or any at all. You can only get so much cable trained in the make up area. especially with that many feeders. All book and no field, or as we call them in Texas, all Hat and no cattle !:smile:
PVC or not the NEC requires it. I can not give you the section right now.

It does look great. :smile:

For what it is worth we come up under transformers like that whenever we can.

I would be curious as to NEC reference if you come up with it. That job is in a town with a Top Notch, Johnny on the Spot, Cracker Jack Inspector that rarely misses anything. Maybe he was busy looking at all the pretty colors and missed the bell ends.

what about in POCO side of pad mount ? you put them there too, Bell ends that is ?
could you please elaborate on this ?
i was going to ask why he would use 250's since he could go down at least a wire size, or did you just state this backwards ?

8-250's in one conduit would have derating issues which would lower their ampacity.
That's what I meant; the OP made it clear he was talking about a single conduit.

You're correct that more conductors of a given total area have a greater ampacity.
Using 2' radius 90s and the run information in post #8, my pull calc software says the pulling force for the four 500s would be 1065 pounds and for the eight 250s it would be 1088.

Hey Don, is your pull calc software part of a electrical design software package or a spreadsheet? I'd like to get my hands on software that will figure out the pulling force required to install conductors in various size conduits. What is the name of the software you use?

The software is Pull-Planner from PolyWater. Mine is an older version of what they now have, not sure how much difference there is between my version and the new version.
There is an on line calculator here.
Transformer Conduit Entry & Gear Wiring - Simpl-Pull

Transformer Conduit Entry & Gear Wiring - Simpl-Pull

A. We have used the Simpl-Pull in both Aluminium and Copper - It is a great labor savings when you can parrell (sp) the conductors on one reel. (Normally in wide open spaces) Had a recent project where the length was 880' 2" and 2 90 GRS elbows with 3-250KCMIL & # 4 AL ground THHN (480V 3PH3W CKT) Superintendent used a quarter inch rope with tugger chained to front end of lull, which isn't exaclty what I had instructed but luckly for him it pulled without any problem.

B. In competive bid market we use that method of entry for all floor mounted dry type transformers as we can cut the costs of greenfield and connectors and save space. However the AHJ will not allow PVC to pentrate slab it must be transtioned with GRS with an aspaltum covering for conduit in contact with dirt or concrete.

C. Cables as dressed look outstanding!

D. For long or heavy pulls - Greenlee makes a cable feeding machine we purchased a used unit that more than paid for itself as it cut four men
men off cable pull. Finished a school project last year where four of the feeder run distances were at 800 feet drawing called for 3.5 with 3-350 1-250 N & 1/0 EGC (Pararell Feeds) - conduits were installed in building slab with less than 300 Degrees of bend and I kicked the conduit size up to 4" for a little wiggle room. Had no problems installing.

E. Seems to me planning for your pull would inculde approriate pulling wheels in manholes if possible - simple pull wire parrelled on the reels and at worst case pulling one direction and then having to pull back in other direction.

Have a great day all.

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