PVC Glue

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Senior Member
New York
Master Elec./JW retired
How much glue for 11,000ft. of 6" and 5500' of 4" sch40pvc? Doing a quote due Monday.
I would figure 80 gallons, based on experience, no formula or calculator involved.

BTW, sounds like a cool job!:)
I helped a friend with a 2000' ditch in December. It was 2 runs of 3" and 2 runs of 4" for a total of 8000' of pipe. I was the glue-job guy. I forgot how many quarts I went though, the fumes really do a number on those weak brain cells. I'd second the 80 gallons. There's no science about it.
I can't say where or what the job is, but it is infrastructure, lots of grounding and smaller pipe work in PRGS.
Waiting on distb. price was hoping to go mostly 20'. Went to Carlon and found under glue dahhh, that 1qt. is good for ~24 six" joints or approx. 50 four" joints. Hmm don't drop any. I wonder if a paint brush, sponge, would work better?
Add 20% for spill factor. I usually knock a few quarts over in the confines of a ditch. Truthfully I spill a lot on level ground too!
How much glue for 11,000ft. of 6" and 5500' of 4" sch40pvc? Doing a quote due Monday.

Well 11,000 feet 220 quarts 5,500 feet 55 quarts

figure one quart for every 10 sticks of 4 inch .

figure one quart for every 5 sticks of 6 inch .

with standard bells but if your using long bells it would be 250 /65 in order. Chris is real close!

We kinda run pvc all day

We kick cans over and they always leave the can tops open all day so you cant say we dont waste lots of glue in the field its just part of the daily process glue in a quart wont last one day open id say we waste more glue by the way electricians work .

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I can't say where or what the job is, but it is infrastructure, lots of grounding and smaller pipe work in PRGS.
Waiting on distb. price was hoping to go mostly 20'. Went to Carlon and found under glue dahhh, that 1qt. is good for ~24 six" joints or approx. 50 four" joints. Hmm don't drop any. I wonder if a paint brush, sponge, would work better?

I would double that and add 20 to 25% for spillage and waste
Thanks, nice pics. this job requires chairs in a duct bank. Reading through page after page of regs. with this much glue wonder if I have to provide a mask for the glue guy. Big on PPE/ safety.
Thanks, nice pics. this job requires chairs in a duct bank. Reading through page after page of regs. with this much glue wonder if I have to provide a mask for the glue guy. Big on PPE/ safety.

Well you dont need a mask for this job we kinda run this stuff alot and we have never had anyone at risk ever .

The only time pvc glue gets to be a problem is inside a manhole when your blowing in strings and working in a close area on new work you know the first tape you take off and pvc smell starts to come into manhole we use a sniffer in the holes .
But you will be fine in a open trench take my word for it dont listen to people who dont do commercial work everyday its safe .

Make sure you include lots of rags for wipen out dirt and water in couplings its a good practice and lots of duck tape and tie wire to tie down your chairs include emt stakes for your install and do you need rebar hoops for concrete?

Some advise if the duck banks are long you need to secure them every 40 foot or they will float up when it rains .
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