I spent a whole day troubleshooting a tripping AFCI breaker on a new home. I could run my old beat up skil saw with a commutator and brushes so worn out that it would throw out a blue flame big enough to be seen in full sunlight but would not trip the AFCI, but a brand new Hitachi and Makita chop saw would. Plug any of the three into a GFCI protected circuit and there was no problem. Both of the chop saws had fancy soft starts on them.
Different project, different brand breaker, Bosch router with a soft start would trip AFCI breakers all over the house, non of the other power tools on the job did. Later, after the home owners moved in I had to go back and troubleshoot because the big screen tv would trip the AFCI breaker it was on. That was in the early 00s
Sometimes around 2019 I visit my inlaws and their new refrigerator would trip the dual function GFCI/AFCI randomly. It was on a dedicated circuit so we put in a straight GFCI breaker, hasn't tripped since.
It's not motors that trip AFCIs and it's not arcs, it's electronics, most likely SMPS that do it. The only thing I've not seen them trip on is an actual arc. My evidence is anecdotal but there have been studies showing they don't trip on a glowing connection which is what causes electrical fires and 120V won't sustain an arc the same way 480V does.
AFCIs are a fraud.