Hello I have read over a lot of post on here and it appears you guys like the technical stuff so here is a question, I have about parallel 200A panels
Current Configuration
I have a 460vac 400A panel that contain a main and a 150A breaker feeding a 3-phase 75KVA transformer (460 P -120/208 Sec) indoors which currently feeds ?Panel A? buss rated 250A buss containing a 225A main breaker and 30 spaces, this panel has feed thru lugs and feeds ?Panel B?, which is beside it, also 250A buss and it has no main and 42 spaces.
Question 1
I have to replace Panel A and maybe Panel B in the future, due to the vintage :bye: ? Keeping the existing 75KVA Transformer and the 150A breaker feeding it, I believe I can add a ?New Panel A? Square D NF Series (not QO) with one 250A Main lug 3-phase Panel containing 42 space with ?No Main Breaker? :? the supply conductor will be it 3-3/0 & 1-#4 THHN approx. 20' long. Question is ?Do I have to have a Main Breaker? ?? I believe I can get by with no main breaker because the transformer does not have to have secondary protection if primary protection is 125% primary current??? :happyyes:
Reason hmy:
There are currently approx. 30 ? ?? and several 1" ridged conduits or more entering the top existing panels A & B ? I plan to add a new 6x6 gutter box above the panel to handle these and allow the circuits to feed into the top of the new panel A via four 2-1/2 nipples ? the 200A feeder will come from the transformer and will enter the bottom of Panel A via an existing lower gutter box. If I select a Panel with a Main Breaker I do not have enough height between the new top gutter box and the existing lower gutter box
Question 2
If the load needs change in the future, can I simply change the transformer from a 75KVA to a 112KVA and breaker feeding it, and add a ?New panel B? 200A Main Lug, No Main Breaker, 42 space, and connect to the transformer with another set of 3-3/0 & 1-#4 THHN approx. 24' long and still be legal??? :lol::thumbsup: :thumbsdown:
Current Configuration
I have a 460vac 400A panel that contain a main and a 150A breaker feeding a 3-phase 75KVA transformer (460 P -120/208 Sec) indoors which currently feeds ?Panel A? buss rated 250A buss containing a 225A main breaker and 30 spaces, this panel has feed thru lugs and feeds ?Panel B?, which is beside it, also 250A buss and it has no main and 42 spaces.
Question 1
I have to replace Panel A and maybe Panel B in the future, due to the vintage :bye: ? Keeping the existing 75KVA Transformer and the 150A breaker feeding it, I believe I can add a ?New Panel A? Square D NF Series (not QO) with one 250A Main lug 3-phase Panel containing 42 space with ?No Main Breaker? :? the supply conductor will be it 3-3/0 & 1-#4 THHN approx. 20' long. Question is ?Do I have to have a Main Breaker? ?? I believe I can get by with no main breaker because the transformer does not have to have secondary protection if primary protection is 125% primary current??? :happyyes:
Reason hmy:
There are currently approx. 30 ? ?? and several 1" ridged conduits or more entering the top existing panels A & B ? I plan to add a new 6x6 gutter box above the panel to handle these and allow the circuits to feed into the top of the new panel A via four 2-1/2 nipples ? the 200A feeder will come from the transformer and will enter the bottom of Panel A via an existing lower gutter box. If I select a Panel with a Main Breaker I do not have enough height between the new top gutter box and the existing lower gutter box
Question 2
If the load needs change in the future, can I simply change the transformer from a 75KVA to a 112KVA and breaker feeding it, and add a ?New panel B? 200A Main Lug, No Main Breaker, 42 space, and connect to the transformer with another set of 3-3/0 & 1-#4 THHN approx. 24' long and still be legal??? :lol::thumbsup: :thumbsdown:
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