Question about weatherhead

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As Tom mentioned, it you used a metal weather head on PVC that would then require it to be bonded per 250.92 which in many cases is just not practical to do.
well i find the concept interesting Tex.
does a before /after MBJ apply?
most would agree a mast is bonded when made to a meter
but there are masts that exist that are not made to meter, or switchgear for that matter
so what suffices then?
What all the others said but also keep in mind, when working with difficult people or people having a bad month, even if your right from doing your homework, many times they will not admit it or give you even more crap. Sometimes it best to know your stuff but keep your head low unless they are compromising safety. They often recognize it and it pays off in the long run.
Just to pour cold water on the party, the POCO here wants the weather head to be in a vertical orientation. So in your case you would have to run your conduit probably 12-14 inches below the gable on the side of the house and kick it up vertically for the weather head- which has to be above the point of attachment.

Somehow they think vertical is the only way a weather head is designed to keep water out. I've always just turned them down and never had a problem, especially under an overhang.

Somehow they think vertical is the only way a weather head is designed to keep water out. I've always just turned them down and never had a problem, especially under an overhang.

I could see requiring that in a wet location but in the case of the OP the location is a damp location so the orientation shouldn't really matter.
Underneath the roof overhang will be fine.

I think in the old days running SEU or anything up the rake board (not under an overhang) and the cable or whatever is running on an angle exposed is now considered a no-no and those have to be turned up
I'm convinced there is no such thing as weatherproof in new england, so i pack all w/heads with dux seal ~RJ~
Yep, that's why I said "water doesn't usually travel up" :) I live on the tip of a peninsula. The snow consistently floats up and into every nook and cranny. Natures way of providing moisture where needed and in this case where not needed.
well i find the concept interesting Tex.
does a before /after MBJ apply?
most would agree a mast is bonded when made to a meter
but there are masts that exist that are not made to meter, or switchgear for that matter
so what suffices then?
Anything metallic from the main disconnect upstream (before the MBJ) must be bonded per 250.92. That includes larger gear where you have metallic raceways stubbed up under gear, even if they are just metallic 90s connected to PVC underground, but not mechanically connected to the gear.
If it's under a 12' overhang the orientation of the weatherhead doesn't really matter.
I recall seeing in NJ at the shore, houses had the seu bend into a goose neck and the end just taped up. No weatherhead.
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