Question on price for service upgrade

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where are you located? what is the cost of living there?, and what is your overhead , I think those are some of the main things you shoud look at.
satcom said:
In the ballpark? , with that price i think you may be in fantasy land. As Marc noted, more information will help.
If you don't mind me asking how far off am I on you're numbers?
Union scale here just to let you know is $19.95 plus bennies total Package around $27.00
IrishRugger said:
My point is here that I am afraid that this customer will baulk at this price and run to my competition with it and even show them my proposal. This does happen on occasion and I hate being under cut in that manner.
It happens to everyone, and it beats the hell out of landing the job and not making any money. Unless, of course, electrical work is just a hobby for you, in which case profit is not important.

I'm truly considering reworking this proposal before sending it off. Re working it so that If I am awarded the job I'll make money.
Now, there's a novel idea! If your only concern is 'winning', you'll end up like someone who pays more than retail for something on eBay, because he got caught up in the emotions of 'winning.'

I just don't know how my competition can under cut me and still remain in business.
If that's a real question, look into it. Like a GC who builds houses, if you can't increase the income, find ways to decrease the outgo. Taking in $5M a year is worthless if you're expenses are $5M.

I don't mean to sound like a know-it-all. It's the same lessons I've been learning over the past seven years. There are times when I feel like going back to being an employee and dropping the headaches.

Then I land a nice job, where I make some money, and come back to my senses. I'd rather work 20 hours per week for (make up a number) than work 40 hours per week for the same money.
jmsbrush said:
If you don't mind me asking how far off am I on you're numbers?
Union scale here just to let you know is $19.95 plus bennies total Package around $27.00

If the scale is $27 the EC would have to charge him out for somewhere in the $100 an hour rate, to just cover his cost.
buckofdurham said:
Ever gone to the dentist for a root canal, bridge or caps. It's amazing they are almost always charging with in $100 dollars of each other. How do they do it?
They charge the price they have negotiated with your insurance company. Same with doctors. If you don't have insurance, or your insurance does not have a negotiated price with that dentist or doctor, you get a much higher price.
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