I'll pick on this one since you brought it up. Not too many dollars to save on this item, but for the sake of discussion ...
I too would perfer copper, but the AL bus bar has been thru the same UL testing standards as the copper and is produced by the same reputable mfg. I don't picture aluminum that has been properly installed to be a ticking time bomb. If it was no manufacture would use it in their gear. Their name is on it too. And they have much deeper pockets to go after in a law suit.
I have seen AL fail, but I have seen copper fail as well. I'm sure you have too. It comes down to installation. I have no concerns about my installation methods and I give the mfgs credit for being able to produce a product that will give many years of reliable service. This is assuming that cost is a major consideration on the project.
brian john said:Al bus in lieu of copper
I too would perfer copper, but the AL bus bar has been thru the same UL testing standards as the copper and is produced by the same reputable mfg. I don't picture aluminum that has been properly installed to be a ticking time bomb. If it was no manufacture would use it in their gear. Their name is on it too. And they have much deeper pockets to go after in a law suit.
I have seen AL fail, but I have seen copper fail as well. I'm sure you have too. It comes down to installation. I have no concerns about my installation methods and I give the mfgs credit for being able to produce a product that will give many years of reliable service. This is assuming that cost is a major consideration on the project.