Questions for employment test

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another good question is -

(1)How many number 12's can you legally pull in a 1/2" pipe?

(2)How many do you normally consider the max to pull? Justify answer.

Makes them think at various levels, and helps in the selection process.
Great test! I'm not sure I'd pass ... But I did give it a whirl!

There's switch's in the Shower basin on the drawing, but no question, or was that a questions, or I missed something!

:) Thanks for being around, Ken ... It's always a pleasure!
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Agreed, but, stevemcytc is looking for a Commercial Electrican.

What is the "take up" rule for two, 250' roles of 12-2 in a multistory building? [answer=make the apprentice take it up the stairs:grin:]

My old boss had a rule, every 1000' spool we finished was a pint of Haggen Daz
I can't believe no one has chimed in with "What color is the green ground screw?" yet.

Man you are always one step ahead of me ,asking the questions I am about to ask...thanks though,now I know what color it is supposed to be.I always wondered.:rolleyes:
The job is staff electrician for a technical college. Any suggestions for questions.

Ok, what does a "staff electrician" do? Does he (or her) run conduit? If not, I'd not be concerned they know the take-ups on benders.

I think you need to ask the questions that will tell you if he knows what you want him (or her) to know based on what you will expect them to do.
Thanks for all the great questions and the laughs as well. I plan to use some of them on the test and, as several suggested, base the test on what we need the person to know. I'll try to post the test here once we finish hiring.

I didn't look at the other tests but one of the questions I had on a test that really lets you know if they are reading the questions is, "what color is the grounded conductor?" White, green, black, any.
It doesn't sound like you need a "mechanic" for this position as much as a planner and maintenance type. I could be wrong but the position just sounded more like that. I wouldn't be so concerned with take up on benders as much as do they know the NEC and how to use it. Do they know how to do maintenance? Ballasts, lighting.. Might need a guy that has some medium voltage experience or at least a familuarity with it? Seems like a good service guy might fit this position?
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