Radio Interferance

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I work at a state prison and they built a new dorm. They installed T-8 Florescent fixtures in this dorm. The inmates radios (AM-FM) receive interferance when these lights are on. I have not had this problem before. Any help or information would be appreciated.
Re: Radio Interferance

These light's use HF (about 25khz) to light the lamps more efficently if not grounded well they will emitt RFI and even RFI harmonic's which can interfear with even FM radio's and TV's. check the grounding on each fixture and also they might have to be on another circuit also.
Re: Radio Interferance

Electronic ballast can and do cause these type of problems at times. As Hurk said, there may be some filters that could be installed to help, but I think there should be some investigation into the grounding and neutrals for starters. ( Common Mode and Net Currents)

One simple cause can be associated with travelers of three way switches and EMF if the wiring method does not cancel current, if you look at the "3 Way Switch" thread, you will see this can be the cause (and a whole lot more too :D )


Roger?, I deleted your first sentence that referred to the other thread (I just deleted that thread) in order to keep the statement from being confusing. Charlie

[ November 11, 2004, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: charlie ]
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