Range and dryer feed?

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And the sad thing is by '96 all ranges had been 240V for several decades, other than the oven light and the clock.
I can think of no larger scale waste of wire than the North American 4 wire range tradition. Just think of it, in every new home since '96 thats got to be miles and miles of white #8 copper just powering led clocks and a 40W oven bulb. What a incredible waste.
Prior to the 96, the code panels are taking a lot of heat for allowing the neutral to be used as an equipment ground. Finally a code proposals made it said if not now, then when and then the change was made in 96.
I agree that a neutral should not be used as a ECG, I hate occupancy sensors that still do that somehow legally.
I would have just proposed re-classifying a 10-50 as a grounding type receptacle.
When I was a kid, I remember electric ranges having a 120V receptacle below the controls. I haven't seen one of them in a really long time.

And I'll bet they already have 240v lights and timers made for the European market
I agree that a neutral should not be used as a ECG, I hate occupancy sensors that still do that somehow legally.
I would have just proposed re-classifying a 10-50 as a grounding type receptacle.
Ha got that backwards that should have been "I agree a EGC should not be used as a neutral, I hate occupancy sensors still do that legally."

When I was a kid, I remember electric ranges having a 120V receptacle below the controls. I haven't seen one of them in a really long time.
Yeah those were cool, they had a 6 amp edison fuse in them for the recept, I remember replacing the fuse in one and being like 6 amps?
Yeah those were cool, they had a 6 amp edison fuse in them for the recept, I remember replacing the fuse in one and being like 6 amps?
I remember my grandmother's and the one at our summer home having fuses but I don't remember the amperage. And my mom got a fancy new GE with a self cleaning oven in the mid 60's and if I remember right it had two receptacles each one had a little circuit breaker next to it
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