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R2006 said:
Bryn if this guy is a ligit contractor, which i assume he's claiming. Your figuring of the numbers are way off.

There are MANY threads here with much useful info for the legitimate EC to get numbers from. I know the numbers I limited myself to are way off.

I attempted to put myself into his shoes and count only the things (I assume) he is counting (which is dismal enough). I could have, and perhaps should have put more detail in but how many times does the same basic info need to be regurgitated, Ya know?
9000 a year for a truck? Does that count gas to? Comon.. Van is only 25-30K. Can get 7-8 years out of it for sure. That does not equate to 9K a yr.

That 60$ an hour rate for two people sounds really low.. Eastern WA it's $65 for one(if you can get one person) round $105 for two. Only you can decide if you're making enough money, can/need to raise rates or what it is you have to do.
Just to give you an idea resi in my area 60 -100 per hr 1 jmn depending on the size of the shop. small guy gets 60-75 big guy gets 95-100 pluss nominal helper charge. Union guy is billed out at well over 100 per hr 5-10$ more for a foreman this is just to give you an idea what my area is.
wireman71 said:
9000 a year for a truck? Does that count gas to? Comon.. Van is only 25-30K. Can get 7-8 years out of it for sure. That does not equate to 9K a yr.

That 60$ an hour rate for two people sounds really low.. Eastern WA it's $65 for one(if you can get one person) round $105 for two. Only you can decide if you're making enough money, can/need to raise rates or what it is you have to do.

$500/month for payments ($6k/yr), insurance, wear and tear..... easily $9k...and why hang on for 7-8 yrs....after 4 the warranty is up and the costs of repairs increase...and don't you want to project the image of a successful company?

i'm not saying don't make your truck last 7-8-9-10 yrs, i'm saying understand that other contractors want better...and why attempt to drag them down, instead of raising yourself up?
wireman71 said:
9000 a year for a truck? Does that count gas to? Comon.. Van is only 25-30K. Can get 7-8 years out of it for sure. That does not equate to 9K a yr.

That 60$ an hour rate for two people sounds really low.. Eastern WA it's $65 for one(if you can get one person) round $105 for two. Only you can decide if you're making enough money, can/need to raise rates or what it is you have to do.

Really you don't think so? you must not have to pay to opperate a van for a year. the government allows $.485 per mile you do the math on how many miles you need to reach 9K. it is easy.
emahler said:
$500/month for payments ($6k/yr), insurance, wear and tear......easily 9K...and why hang on for 7-8 yrs....after 4 the warranty is up and the costs of repairs increase...and don't you want to project the image of a successful company?

You are right Eric. I just did some quick calculations on what it would cost to put one new van on the road at price of 30K and drive it an average of 20 K per year for 5 years ( typical trade at 100K) and it would run a minimum of $15K pr. year to operate as a commercial vehicle ( more in many areas). This is just for the van it's self.

If you start adding stock, tools and ladders it gets on up there. :grin: :grin:
bikeindy said:
Really you don't think so? you must not have to pay to opperate a van for a year. the government allows $.485 per mile you do the math on how many miles you need to reach 9K. it is easy.
you can also use actual operating costs.This is easy if you have 100% business use and can often be more of a deduction.
Sounds like you need to get everyone else in town together for a beer and a POW-WOW and tell them you're gonna charge $85 an hour per man and suggest they do the same. At that price provide the best service possible and seek out some commercial work... If people are shopping around for the lowest price they will then get the low-ball artist that can not provide the service level you do at the higher price and it will eventually come back to bite them. Sure they may end up with more low-ball work - but you won't be cutting your own throat to get the work you do get. JMSO
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
Your solution is price fixing?

In so many words - YES.... ;) Making the suggestion is not some agreement to do so - that might well be illegal?

But voicing your opinion about how you are going to solve your own problem - and suggesting they do the same.... Don't see anything wrong with that. :grin: If they think you're getting $85 - they will want to get $85 too.
e57 said:
In so many words - YES.... ;) Making the suggestion is not some agreement to do so - that might well be illegal?

But voicing your opinion about how you are going to solve your own problem - and suggesting they do the same.... Don't see anything wrong with that. :grin: If they think you're getting $85 - they will want to get $85 too.

Ahhh... so it's conspiracy to price fix then. :grin:
The last few houses I lost the bid on I went back when the "winning" EC was on site and I told him what I bid the house for.I could tell from their dropped jaw look that they had left alot of money on the table so maybe next time they will bid higher .
growler said:
Price fixing, that's almost as bad as side work. :grin: :grin:

Isn't that what organized labor is all about? :confused:

You'd have a point there, if the courts determined that organized labor's ability to negotiate wages was illegal. They've ruled otherwise.
maybe we should be like gas stations and post our rate on the side of the van
Electrician Master 89 9/10
Electrician journeyman 79 9/10
Electrician Apprentice 69 9/10
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
Ahhh... so it's conspiracy to price fix then. :grin:

Call it what you will... ;)

Many years ago I had a boss who gathered up everyone in the company (15 guys) - and told everyone not to charge a dime less than $60 an hour for side work. "Why under-cut yourself?!?" FYI this was also a man very secure in the fact that no one could take his customers as none of the employees held multi-million liability insurance....
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