Re: Post: Sizing conductors, conduit for lights and Transformer? Need help on my work

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Kansas City
Noob EE
I have a transformer 150KVA Primary - 12470 GRDY /7200 V and Secondary 208Y/120 V. ( I understand that GRDY is grounded wye(Y) primary configuration with 12,470V between each phase and the neutral, and 7200 v between any two phases.) (208Y/120 V is three phase, four wire secondary configuration, 208 v between each phase and 120 v between any phase and the neutral.)

I attached example drawing of where the transformer, panel, and lights will be like.
68 Lights:
Pickleball court – Total Watts – 3,584 (8 lights)
Tennis – Total Watts – 2,406 (6 lights)
Trail Lights – Total Watts = 1170 Watts (26 Poles lights)
Bollards – Total Watts = 760 Watts (20 Bollards lights)
Disk Lights – Total Watts = 480 Watts (8 lights)
Total watts: 8400 Watts
3 circuits from the panel board. 1 going to the pickleball court and plaza lights. 1 going to the tennis court. 1 for the trail lights and bollards.

So, to get VA from watts. I have to do equation Watts / Power Factor = VA????
How do I size conductors for lights?

Transformer OCPD conditions:

If it is supervised location for the transformer than you are going to select next lower standard size: if it is (primary voltage > 600V and secondary voltage > 600V). But if the (secondary voltage <= 600V), select next Higher standard size, fuse/circuit breaker.)

Conditions: Primary side of transformer
Overcurrent protection at primary side (Primary > 600V) : Rating of primary fuse at point A = 300 % of primary. FLC or next standard size or Rating of primary circuit breaker at point A = 600%. FLC or next standard size. - Unsupervised
  • Rating of Primary Circuit Beaker, so next higher standard size. - Unsupervised
Calculation: Primary side
(Primary > 600V): Rating of primary circuit breaker at point A = 600%

I did Full load current: 150000 VA / 12470 V*1.732 = 6.945 A
Rating of primary Circuit Breaker = 6*6.945 = 41.67 A, and select next standard size 45 A Circuit Breaker. from table 240.6(A)

conductor sizing: 6.945 A * 1.25 = 8.68 A
Table 310.16, 75°C" **Table 315.60**: AWG ????

In previous post @david luchini said: "The smallest 15kV conductor size is #2. See 315.60, not 310.16. A #2 conductor has an ampacity well above the required 6.945A."

I did not know which table 315.60 to see but I am assuming table 315.60(C)(3), as it has 5001 to 1500 volts ampacity section.

david luchini mention that: "transformer primary is 12,470V. You will need a conductor that has 15,000V (15kV) insulation."
@david luchini mention: "6.945A is the minimum required ampacity for the transformer feeder. You need a conductor that has an ampacity that is 6.945 or greater."
"#2 awg is the minimum size conductor for 15kV, and #2 has an ampacity much higher than 6.945."

Conditions: Secondary side of transformer

Overcurrent protection at secondary side (Secondary Voltage <= 600V)
  • Rating of Sec. Fuse / Circuit Breaker at Point B= 125% of Sec. Full Load Current or Next higher Standard size. -Unsupervised
Overcurrent Protection at Secondary Side (Secondary Voltage >600V):
  • Rating of Secondary. Fuse at Point B= 250% of Sec. Full Load Current or Next higher Standard size. -Unsupervised
  • Rating of Secondary. Circuit Breaker at Point B= 300% of Sec. Full Load Current. -Unsupervised
Calculation: Secondary side
Overcurrent protection at secondary side (Secondary Voltage <= 600V):

I did Full load current: 150000 VA / 208V*1.732 = 416.73 A
Rating of primary Fuse/Circuit Breaker: 416.37 A * 1.25 = 520.46 A
520.46 A, so next standard size of circuit breaker = 600A Circuit breaker from table 240.6(A)

conductor sizing: 416.37 A * 1.25 = 520.46 A, conductors should have ampacity of at least 600 A because of circuit beaker is 600A
Table 310.16, 75°C: 600A: so, I select (2) 350 kcmil conductors in parallel
Table **250.102(C)(1) ** for grounding: #2 G AWG

Is this how you size your conductors for transformer?

Any help will be appreciate.


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Convert watts into amps.
Use the wire ampacity table in 310 to find wire size at 75 deg C.
Add up amps per phase and size panel
And lighting is a continuous load so use 1.25 on sizing conductors
Pickleball court – Total Watts – 3,584 (8 lights) - 448 watts each light
Tennis – Total Watts – 2,406 (6 lights) - 401 watts each light
Trail Lights – Total Watts = 1170 Watts (26 Poles lights) - 45 watts each light
Bollards – Total Watts = 760 Watts (20 Bollards lights) - 38 watts each light
Disk Lights – Total Watts = 480 Watts (8 lights) - 60 watts each each light

3 circuits from the panel board. 1 going to the pickleball court and plaza lights. 1 going to the tennis court. 1 for the trail lights and bollards.

1st circuit:
Total wattage for the 1st circuit:
3584 watts + 480 watts = 4064 Watts

Apply the 80% continuous load factor.
4064 watts * 0.8 = 3251.2 watts

# of lights: 3251.2 watts / (448 watts/light + 60 watts/light) ~ 6.57 lights

Rounded down: Approximately 6 Pickleball lights and 6 plaza lights.

2nd circuit:
Total wattage for the 2nd circuit:
2406 watts

Apply the 80% continuous load factor.
2406 watts * 0.8 = 1924.8 watts

# of lights:1924.8 watts / (401 watts/light) ~ 4.80 lights
Rounded down: Approximately 4 tennis lights.

3rd circuit:
Total wattage for the 3rd circuit:
1170 watts + 760 watts = 1930 Watts

Apply the 80% continuous load factor.
1930 watts * 0.8 = 1544 watts

# of lights: 1544 watts / (45 watts/light + 38 watts/light) ~ 20.96 lights

Rounded down: Approximately 20 lights (combining Trail lights and Bollard lights). We have total 46 lights trail + bollard lights.
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