gar- you nailed it, testing the installed quality of a circuit. I have read each of your posts many times and my initial searches failed because I was missing key terms like inductive and capacitive reactance among others. and holy cow, that's what I was missing. do I need to know these things to set a top hat on gear? heavens no- but I want to better understand it all and everyone helped. interesting how the question of resistance brought up neat things like leading and lagging I & E reactance in different circuits. I even found yet another play on words "ELI the ICE man"- "L" being inductive reactance and "C" being I lags E in,say motor circuits and so on. awesome! confusing because I found it all on the internet. I guess its not just for porn

. oh, and another way to kill someone with a meter- you can strangle them with the leads. genuine thanks to all of you, I found at least some of my answers! I at least have the tools to answer my questions now.