Reasons For Not Giving Free Estimates

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peter d said:
There are a great many EC's who could do that and not notice any difference in income.

not true...there are many great self employed electricians who could, and not notice...

great EC's would take a tremendous paycut

Sparkyrob11 said:
how long have you been in business emahler?

i grew up in this mess...i'm in for 10 yrs full time, part time for the previous 5-6, and the company is going on 31 yrs...

so, i guess i'm lucky that i was dragged into this mess...
Pissed, passed it up? I'd have to say yes. What do you think about advertising cost/advantage for a small shop like myself? (3 including me) Almost all of my work is referral, which I like. I don't want to spend a bunch of time on bogus bid/ service calls from the phone book. What avenues would you recommend?
Sparkyrob11 said:
Pissed, passed it up? I'd have to say yes. What do you think about advertising cost/advantage for a small shop like myself? (3 including me) Almost all of my work is referral, which I like. I don't want to spend a bunch of time on bogus bid/ service calls from the phone book. What avenues would you recommend?

start another thread...let's keep this one about charging to run around and chase $500 jobs...
I was buying weed & feed yesterday and noticed a sign "10% off cabinets when you buy a kitchen measurement". Aren't tradesmen supposed to do that sort of thing for free? That's unfair trade practice. This was not at little guys lawn and kitchen. This place was a very big building painted orange. I've seen them all over.
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Back to free estimates.....

Got a call to check a house for knob and tube wiring. Person buying house wants price to bring house to code in order to negotiate sale price with sellers.

Told them Meet me with a check for $100.00 and I'll look at it.

For another $100.00 I'll give them a written estimate to do the work.

They had no problem with that.

Bet your rear end that I am going to talk them into either me doing the job or them walking away from the sale. One way or another they will NOT be comfortable buying a house to live in with that old wiring. ;)
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peter d said:
I did consider becoming an EC last year and I have done a rough study of the costs involved to become one. I concluded that most EC's don't charge nearly enough.

You should do it....It's much like walking through the pearly gates into a magical land some call heaven. :D
electricmanscott said:
Told them Meet me with a check for $100.00 and I'll look at it.

For another $100.00 I'll give them a written estimate to do the work.

Your so unfair, you should be reported to the BBB. ;)

Ripping off poor home buyers, I bet they even have children. ;)
iwire said:
Your so unfair, you should be reported to the BBB. ;)

Ripping off poor home buyers, I bet they even have children. ;)

Go ahead and report me, I'm not a member.

What a scam they have going.

I do this work only to protect the children! :grin:
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