Received a citation for "Electrical not to Code'

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what law authorizes this?

I understood municipal-code enforcement can revoke occupancy per UBC 18.90.110 (.30), but rarely enforce that in practice. The uniform building code is adopted by most AHJ's in CA, and perhaps other States.

Never realized that Code Enforcement used something similar to sue contractors.
I received a citation to appear in court for " Electrical not to Code'". .. any input?

Can you clarify if the violation is a misdemeanor in criminal court, like a traffic ticket, or a civil matter like small claims?

No show and failure to pay fines in misdemeanor court results in arrest warrants.

Thanks for bringing this up.
Wow lots of feed back. We definitely were butting heads. I have a court date on the 12th November. That I have to appear at. Even though I complied to the inspectors request. What is funny the inspector originally told me it was a 310 code violation then I received a letter with the citation stating it was an article 100 violation. Either way it escalated way further than it needed too.. also the install was up to utilities requirements
Wow lots of feed back. We definitely were butting heads. I have a court date on the 12th November. That I have to appear at. Even though I complied to the inspectors request. What is funny the inspector originally told me it was a 310 code violation then I received a letter with the citation stating it was an article 100 violation. Either way it escalated way further than it needed too.. also the install was up to utilities requirements

Isn’t article 100 just definitions (no rules)?
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The title of the link is misleading at best. Austin Code Enforcement went to the house because of the overgrown lawn but APD shot him because he shot at ACE personnel from inside the house and then came running out with a weapon in hand.
Around here that will get you shot too.
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