I have a lot of experience w/ Greengate controls, a decent amount of experience w/ Wattstopper. Both have products to meet this spec. It’s not that complicated, so don’t let it intimidate you.
For room controls, you have two options; in-wall sensor/dimmer, or in-ceiling sensors w/ in-wall dimmer. For very small office space, like 50 sq/ft and less, I’ll typically use in-wall sensor dimmer. They are 120v powered w/ 0-10v dimming, and have built-in daylight harvesting, so they’ll adjust the brightness level based on how much natural light is in the room. See here:
Greengate allows control of emergency lighting by any Connected lighting system or integrated sensor
For larger office spaces, I’ll use in-ceiling sensors & power-packs w/ in-wall dimmers. These in-wall switches are momentary, and can be powered w/ 120v, but i prefer to run a 4-conductor CL2 cable and let the PP’s power them w/ 24v. Very easy an inexpensive.
Momentary 0-10v dimmer -
Ceiling Occ Sensor (also has daylight harvesting capability):
Ceiling Vacancy Sensor -
Power Pack; you can wire this as auto-on w/ manual off, or manual on w/ auto-off (can also be used for plug-load control of your receptacles):
If you don’t need dimming in a space, you can use a momentary switch to trigger the PP; you would also just run a 2/c or 4/c cable down from the PP to this switch;
And for all of the common areas, here is the LiteKeeper panel with the built-in astronomical time-clock and 20A relays.
There are a couple of local switching options with this LiteKeeper panel. They offer a digital push-button scene switch with engraved buttons, or you can just use a momentary switch. For the local dimming as required in your spec, I’d use the WBSD-010M dimmer, and connect the momentary button to the inputs in the LiteKeeper panel. For local occ sensors paired with the LiteKeeper, you would use the isolation contacts in the SP20-RD4 or SP20-MV (depending on what your needs are) and connect those to the switch inputs at the LiteKeeper panel. You need 120v local to power the SP20.
Whatever vendor bid the job should be able to provide you w/ a layout & BOM. Depending on the size of the building, you may be better off w/ wireless room controls instead of a central control panel.