Re: Receptacles in Doctor's Office
I apologize for sounding confusing, but I am not saying 517.18(B) applies to this situation. What I am saying is that section 517.18 (General Care Areas) and 517.19 (Critical Care Areas) both apply to an area in a health care facility where patient care is rendered and they both shall have listed HG receptacles. Looking at the definition of "Patient Care Area" in 517.2 and looking at the last paragraph which states "The Governing body of the facility designates these areas in accordance with the type of patient care anticipated and with the following definitions of the areas classification"
The first classification is for:
General Care Areas, which states Patient bedrooms, examining room,treatment rooms, clinics, and similar areas in which it is intended that the patient will come in contact with ordinary appliances such as nurse call system, electrical beds, examining lamps, telephone, and entertainment devices. Reading all of this leads me to believe that anywhere in a health care facility where patient care is rendered shall require HG receptacles, "patient care" being the key word. Patient care is rendered in a examining room wether that room is in a hospital or in the Doctors's own home. That is just my opinion. If I am just totally misunderstanding please correct me.