recession, depression, future of the industry, meaning of life

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Owensboro, KY
Wondering how many of you have seen a slowdown in business due to the fears about the economy, I know the textbook and the committee (with the really long name) definition of recession and I watch the economy closely. We are not in a recession, nor will we be until the GDP starts a negative growth trend but....nevermind. I am in my first year of starting this business and I have more work than I can do by myself. I also have a full time industrial job which I would love to quit. Rhymes with SLIEMENS Synergy and Mottomation. Geez I am tired and rambling. Every time I mention the fact that I make in one day working for myself what I make in a week on the job for SEA, I am accosted by my wife and my in-laws about how bad the economy is and that its getting worse. I average two-three calls a day for jobs and am looking at about 12k/month right now just from the work I have scheduled through May and June. I like to think that I wear the pants, but I also have to keep the peace. To make things worse, I have been offered an open door at my current position, seamless transition back in.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Construction is cyclical, and we're in a dip. No big deal. It's happened twice in my working life, and I'm not that old. It pays to be diversified. If you don't have any work coming in, go out and get you some. I see work everywhere I go. Keep connected to your "network" in case you do feel like you could slide in someplace if the stress is getting to you. I know I could be on somebody's payroll tomorrow if push ever came to shove.

Bottom line, it's not as bad as people want you to think it is. Just depends on which niche you may have unfortunately pigeon-holed yourself into. Also sounds like you need to tune out your in-laws. I try to keep my distance from people constantly talking down like that.

Don't worry, be happy.
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z?electric said:
Wondering how many of you have seen a slowdown in business due to the fears about the economy, I know the textbook and the committee (with the really long name) definition of recession and I watch the economy closely. We are not in a recession, nor will we be until the GDP starts a negative growth trend but....nevermind. I am in my first year of starting this business and I have more work than I can do by myself. I also have a full time industrial job which I would love to quit. Rhymes with SLIEMENS Synergy and Mottomation. Geez I am tired and rambling. Every time I mention the fact that I make in one day working for myself what I make in a week on the job for SEA, I am accosted by my wife and my in-laws about how bad the economy is and that its getting worse. I average two-three calls a day for jobs and am looking at about 12k/month right now just from the work I have scheduled through May and June. I like to think that I wear the pants, but I also have to keep the peace. To make things worse, I have been offered an open door at my current position, seamless transition back in.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Are you a man or a mouse?? Well Squeak up!!!
The Meaning of Life

The Meaning of Life

When you can answer that one, you won't need a job anymore.
The meaning of life won't be clear until after your death. That's how I see it.
Good luck, God bless.
Put new residential construction on one side of a scale, and new commercial work on the other side of the scale. When one goes down, the other goes up about evenly.

Put new residential construction on one side of a scale, and residential remodeling on the other. When one goes down, the other goes up slightly.

These are just facts, which you can look up for yourself, but they're facts just the same.

Who's doing government work? Lots of that right now. Crazy lots.
Just got my first dose of the housing market reality the other day. Got a letter from Citibank-Stating that my second mortgage credit line(Which I never planned to use anyway) has been suspended due to a decraese in my homes value. The letter doesnt affect me, but it makes it real to see it in black and white
mdshunk said:
Put new residential construction on one side of a scale, and new commercial work on the other side of the scale. When one goes down, the other goes up about evenly.

Put new residential construction on one side of a scale, and residential remodeling on the other. When one goes down, the other goes up slightly.

These are just facts, which you can look up for yourself, but they're facts just the same.

Who's doing government work? Lots of that right now. Crazy lots.

Quite True!

Several residential electrical contractors are going in light commercial. I'm now on the commercial side of the spectrum.
Ill do (almost)anything for a buck. Me and my guys assembled IKEA dressers the other for a customer for a couple hundred bucks. The option is always in the back of my mind to go work for somebody else, but I think I would rather do anything-i.e.,handyman work, small service calls as a one man show, than work for somebody ever again. With an 18-month old athome and another one coming in 6 weeks it is nice to not have to ask permission to take an afternoon off to go see an ultrasound-Thats priceless to me.
You Win

You Win

frogneck77 said:
....With an 18-month old athome and another one coming in 6 weeks it is nice to not have to ask permission to take an afternoon off to go see an ultrasound-Thats priceless to me.

You just may have found the meaning of life. :smile:
z?electric said:
Wondering how many of you have seen a slowdown in business due to the fears about the economy, I know the textbook and the committee (with the really long name) definition of recession and I watch the economy closely. We are not in a recession, nor will we be until the GDP starts a negative growth trend but....nevermind. I am in my first year of starting this business and I have more work than I can do by myself. I also have a full time industrial job which I would love to quit. Rhymes with SLIEMENS Synergy and Mottomation. Geez I am tired and rambling. Every time I mention the fact that I make in one day working for myself what I make in a week on the job for SEA, I am accosted by my wife and my in-laws about how bad the economy is and that its getting worse. I average two-three calls a day for jobs and am looking at about 12k/month right now just from the work I have scheduled through May and June. I like to think that I wear the pants, but I also have to keep the peace. To make things worse, I have been offered an open door at my current position, seamless transition back in.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
The first thing to have is a written business plan if you do not have one then you will probably fail in your first year.Do you have the needed capital to operate without taking from your business,money will have to be returned to the business.Do you live below your means.Most people live based on what they make and some live over what they make.

I thought this might be interesting. Notice how short the recessions are.

I believe the media blows things out of proportions. Including recessions or non-recessions.
SmithBuilt said:
I believe the media blows things out of proportions. Including recessions or non-recessions.

I think you nailed it. The media does blow things out of proportion. IMO news agencies (with a few exceptions) are becoming "shock jocks" and telling is we're all doomed.
kkwong said:
I think you nailed it. The media does blow things out of proportion. IMO news agencies (with a few exceptions) are becoming "shock jocks" and telling is we're all doomed.
Who exactly is this "Media" and how do they "blow it out of proportion"?
I use the term "media" to describe any agency who either publishes or broadcasts news/information for public dissemination.

While "blow out of proportion" may have been a poor choice of words, you rarely hear news that is upbeat or conveys positive information. I turn on the TV and I hear stories that highlight the down turn in the housing market and how the price of gas is going to sky rocket etc.

The graphic that Tim put up demonstrates that since the 1950's we haven't had a long term depresston/recession. Some would say that we are due, others would say that the reason behind it has to do with how the Fed adjusts interest rates to bring us out. Whatever the case is, I feel that this is another bump, all beit a larger one than usual, and that the media does not need to try and convince us to lock our doors and keep our life savings, family jewels and valuables in a room guarded by a chimpanzee with a shotgun.
Rewire said:
Who exactly is this "Media" and how do they "blow it out of proportion"?

Media, you know those idiots that said the price of gasoline would climb to $3.50 a gallon.

I checked this morning and it's still only $3.49 a gallon, nothing to worry about. :grin: :grin:
growler said:
Media, you know those idiots that said the price of gasoline would climb to $3.50 a gallon.

I checked this morning and it's still only $3.49 a gallon, nothing to worry about. :grin: :grin:

I paid $3.65 this morning...:mad: hasn't hit $3.50 yet but you're darn close at $3.49 and 9/10's :grin:
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