Innovative Cost Solutions
Innovative Cost Solutions
Hello Everyone, I am the President of Innovative Cost Solutions and I wanted to take the time to address the comments that have been posted on this thread regarding our company and the "perceived" services and technologies that we provide in the energy reduction services market.
First, we DO NOT sell Redi-volt technology. If I am correct, the Redi-volt product is a surge suppressor. It is our belief that surge suppressors provide absolutely NO energy savings whatsoever. They do have their place though as a sacrifical device to protect highly sensitive or expensive down line equipment.
With that being said, here is who we are. We are a full service energy reduction services company. We custom design energy reduction systems for clients in the commercial, industrial, and governmental markets. What differentiates us from other energy reduction companies is that we approach energy savings from a whole facility standpoint. In any given facility there are six major energy load categories: lighting, A/C, refrigeration, motors, resistive and gas. With resistive loads we have no technologies that will reduce consumption. In the other categories we have a suite of technologies which when applied collectively will typically reduce overall energy consumption anywhere from 4% to 18% on average. We work with lighting retrofits, lighting controls, energy management systems, VFDs, ECM fans and motors, LED lighting, inductive lighting, smart control technologies for A/C and gas loads, liquid pressure amplification, reactive power and harmonic correction, etc.
We perform a detailed engineering study to thoroughly understand the energy usage of a given facility and how the overall energy usage is broken down into the six major load categories I listed above. Once we understand the load usage we then custom design an energy reduction package for that facility and implement the system in a turnkey fashion. Once the system is installed we take full responsibility for the system performance. Each of our systems are provided with a full performance bond which guarantees the payback of the system. During installation we take accurate pre and post treatment readings to confirm that the particular solution is functioning properly. Once the system installation is complete, we begin to monitor energy consumption on a monthly basis. At the end of the first year of operation we provide our clients with a measurement and verification report. Measurement and verficiation of our systems is done following the IPMVP standard. This standard requires us to take into account all factors of influence which may reduce or increase power consumption. Factors of influence include such things as degree heating and coolling days, changes in facility hours of operation, changes in facility loads, etc. We actually discuss baseline parameters with our clients prior to installing a system so we are in agreement with what we will be comparing data against. Once these factors of influence are removed from the post installation operating data what is left over for reduction is directly attributable to our system. If there is a shortfall, then we have to correct that shortfall at our cost. If we can not rectify the problem the performance bond compensates our client for the shortfall in the savings. To the request that I post our performance bond on this forum I respectfully decline as I do not believe that this would be the appropriate place to do so. If anyone wishes to request a copy of the bond please feel free to contact me at my office at any time.
Sorry for the length of this response, but, based on the comments that I have seen on this forum thread I felt it was justified.
On a personal note, I would like to pose this question to everyone that has taken the time to post their insights into our company on this forum: How many people on this thread do you think actually called Innovative Cost Solutions to find out who we were prior to posting their comments? ANSWER: NOT ONE
The internet can be a very useful tool but it can also have very damaging effects. Everything that you find on the internet is not the absolute truth - far from it. I ask each of you that have posted here that when you are taking the time to respond to someone in a forum such as this that you actually take the time to seek to understand what you are commenting on. Your comments can have long reaching and possibly damaging effects. Thank you for your time. Any further questions can be directed to me at my office through the contact information listed on our website.