I probably won't be back to job until next week at the soonest, posted my question without having all the data, but here's what more I know.
The transformer is a 600 watt that feeds landscape lighting. I don't know what's inside it, but has c1 and c2 terminals, then t12, t13, t14, t15. I thought it was just a winding with t in the center and c1 and c2 being the ends but don't know enough to say so, usually I just hook things up and don't worry a whole lot about how its engineered.
This was a lighting setup to a boathouse, wire man asked me to help. When I first saw it there was a pvc conduit with #12's, 3way and 4way still connected at house. Figured out which was the hot, which two were travellers, and which was a return to work two lights in soffit at house. Extended wiring with romex (12/3 wg).
The two soffit lights at house are in parrellel to the coil, "return" hot runs in same conduit as traveller, there's a neutral in that conduit but the lights are getting their neutral from up at the house.
Total one way distance from first 3/way to second 3/way could be as much as 250 feet.
Thanks for all the good advice so far, when I get it solved maybe I won't mention MH forum to customer & he'll think I'm brilliant