Ok, I am estimating a job that has a FACP being removed and a new one installed about 100' away. They asked for those existing circuits to be rerouted to the new FACP. How is this done? Can you splice those wires and extend them? Thanks very much.
Too many questions to ask here. Please tell us:
Panel Manufacturer, Model Number of existing panel
Panel Manufacturer, Model Number of the new panel.
100' in which direction? up through a floor, horizontal?
Is the system in EMT, MI, MC, just cable?
How many circuits are there for IDC's SLC's and NAC's and data Bus'?
There is VD, resistance maximum and circuit length to contend with on all of them.
Do you have the AHJ's blessing for this? Some will be real PITA about this and may ask for a 100% current code compliant system or maybe, new annuicators etc.
Why are you moving the panel?
You can splice the circuits in an enclosure, you have to label them all. Its not that simple though.
You will have to run a full reacceptance test to relocate as well.