Remote Circuit Breaker Racking Systems

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Senior Member
Has anyone had experience with remote circuit breaker racking systems? I'm interested devices that can be used on a variety of brands since we have various 480 VAC circuit breakers of 1997 through 2008 vintage. Thanks.
Has anyone had experience with remote circuit breaker racking systems? I'm interested devices that can be used on a variety of brands since we have various 480 VAC circuit breakers of 1997 through 2008 vintage. Thanks.

You won't find anyone more familiar with them than me. Ask away.

I found a couple of manufacturers offering these non-brand-specific units and I certainly will compile some questions in a future post.


Some are made specifically for a brand of breaker, some say they are universal but you need to modify your switchgear to use them, some are true universial units that can operate any breaker in your plant. The newest ones, which you won't find advertised are designed for a specific breaker, are very small and portable, and can rack, charge (Yes even manuallly charged breakers), close, and trip the breaker via wireless remote.

So what do you have? You need to operate stuff too or just rack?
Some are made specifically for a brand of breaker, some say they are universal but you need to modify your switchgear to use them, some are true universial units that can operate any breaker in your plant. The newest ones, which you won't find advertised are designed for a specific breaker, are very small and portable, and can rack, charge (Yes even manuallly charged breakers), close, and trip the breaker via wireless remote.

So what do you have? You need to operate stuff too or just rack?

Possibly both functions. The bulk of the breakers are GE AKR 75s/100s 800 AF through 4000 AF circa 1997 through 2000. Smaller number of SQ D Masterpacts type NW circa 2007-08.
Possibly both functions. The bulk of the breakers are GE AKR 75s/100s 800 AF through 4000 AF circa 1997 through 2000. Smaller number of SQ D Masterpacts type NW circa 2007-08.

800AF would be AKR 25, so I assume you have 25, 50's, 75's, and 100's. You can use a universal system to do all of those and the masterpacts. You can get wireless cameras built in to watch as you rack them wirelessly, stair climbers, extended reach, lights, you name it, no 2 units are ever the same. There are also wireless remote operators that are much smaller and eady to carry around you can use to close or trip those remotely (Also wireless). I have a guy in your area that can come to your facility and demo all of this on your equipment if you like.
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