Replacing 10/3 low voltage transformer - Confused about wiring

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New member
Chicago IL
Adapting 10/3 to new transformer?......

2 of our 5 low voltage transformers, used for low voltage landscape lighting, have died and needed replacement. In my rush to get them replaced, I ordered a couple nice Volt Brand 12v low voltage transformers with astronomical timers and when they arrived today, I realized I had a problem with the current wiring.

The dead transformers that are being replaced use a 10/3 12v setup that I am not familiar with and am not sure will work with the new transformers. Since our lighting setup is pretty comprehensive, I am REALLY hoping I can avoid doing new cable runs.

I have attached a picture of the terminals of the transformers being replaced. I have also attached the PDF manual for the product. In short, they are 600w 12v ac transformers but instead of the standard 2 wire terminals, it uses a 10/3 setup. I assumed one terminal was common but it looks like I am wrong.

transformer manual CI147X032_Page_1.jpg transformer manual CI147X032_Page_2.jpg 2017-09-14_12h39_09.png

You can also view our current transformer at

I am confident I have sized everything correctly and am happy with the transformers I bought to replace these, I am just hoping I can somehow get these new Volt transformers to work with my current 10/3 wiring setup.

I cannot even find 10/3 transformers for 12v ac on the web, so I am a bit confused why our electrician used these only 4 years ago when we had everything installed.

Is there any way to make this work?

Thank you SO much in advance!

Dennis Alwon

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Chapel Hill, NC
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