Resi service call, or STL

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peter d said:
Yes, how could someone take a Square D panel and ruin it by putting GE guts in it???? :confused:

Personally I don't see a problem with it other than asthetics. If the unit is grounded etc .... We often take electrical equipment and mount it in another companies can. Legally I am not sure but functionally I don't see the problem.

Let me clarify that I would not do this install. I would have changed the panel box entirely.
Let me clarify that I would not do this install. I would have changed the panel box entirely.

When there is a lot of conduit involved or it's a recessed panel, I tend to just change out the guts...... as long as the cover fits properly. I would try to use the same brand but really, the electrons don't care what brand the enclosure is. It's just a rectangular steel box.
It looks like the panel is up against the wall on the right. How does the cover fit on the panel? Did they cut off the right side of the flush mounted cover so it would fit?
220/221 said:
It's just a rectangular steel box.

Yes, but I can't understand why someone would replace something high quality (Sq D) with bottom of the barrel (GE.) Not only that, unless it was Sq D X0 (which it could very well have been) retrofitting Sd D guts into a Sq D can shouldn't be too difficult.
peter d said:
Yes, but I can't understand why someone would replace something high quality (Sq D) with bottom of the barrel (GE.) Not only that, unless it was Sq D X0 (which it could very well have been) retrofitting Sd D guts into a Sq D can shouldn't be too difficult.

Money. Not everyone drives a Porsche.
Yes, but I can't understand why someone would replace something high quality (Sq D) with bottom of the barrel (GE.)

Maybe that's all they could find that would fit the enclosure??

Maybe there wasn't a SqD supplier in the area???

Maybe they had the GE kicking around in their warehouse???

Maybe they just wanted to piss you off???

I'm going with #4
peter d said:
Yes, but I can't understand why someone would replace something high quality (Sq D) with bottom of the barrel (GE.)

I totally disagree with your assessment of the GE panel. I find sq.d to be of no better quality, in fact, their homeline product stinks.

Only one supplier in our area stocks SQ.D and on resi work I haven't seen a sq.D panel install in 30 years except for those that have used the unbearable homeline.
Dennis Alwon said:
I totally disagree with your assessment of the GE panel. I find sq.d to be of no better quality, in fact, their homeline product stinks.

I can see where this is going, so we will have to agree to disagree. Short of using bolt on's or QO for everything my next choice is Homeline, with GE dead last.

But to each their own. :cool:

My problem with GE is not the panels, but the breakers. They are know for buzzing for a few seconds then tripping on a short circuit condition.
peter d said:
Hey, if someone wants to install junk in the place of Sq D, be my guest. As long as it's not on my property. :cool:

To me they are all the same, each has good and bad points so I went with price. :grin:

HD had a good deal on a GE 200 MB load center with a bunch of breakers included. :cool:
peter d said:
My problem with GE is not the panels, but the breakers. They are know for buzzing for a few seconds then tripping on a short circuit condition.

Interesting. I have used them for the last 5 or 6 years without any issue. I have never had an arch fault issue, no buzzing etc. I was reluctant to change from CH but I did when my supplier dropped them. I have used CH since but I think I prefer GE. But as you say-- to each his own.
480sparky said:
So your complaint is what?

The breakers are inferior.

I briefly worked for an electrical supplier that was a major GE distributor. We would constantly get returns on breakers that were junk right out of the box (mostly the handles being stuck open, closed, or middle position). And those were the ones that guys actually returned. Many of them told us that they just threw the junk ones away.
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