Residential materials estimator

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satcom said:
To get an HD Estimating CD just E-Mail
Ask for the HD Estimating CD and include your mailing information, and he will mail you one.

Did you try that?
Did you actually recieve it?

I tried in '05 and I am still waiting
bjp_ne_elec said:
Wish I could get something like this to link up to my local electrical suppliers.
How about something like this:

bjp_ne_elec said:
Getting ready for the game myself, but I'll check back to see if you were successful.
Another site ( "claims" files up to 500mb...but gave me this error message (
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]File NOT uploaded due to one of these reasons:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1. Your file is over 500MB

[/FONT]However, the file is only 405mb[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] :confused:

[/FONT]I'll try another site.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
I tried 3 different sites...all NG.

The file extension is .zip ~ a simple zip file.
Actual file size is 404,997 kb

Those specs fit all the paramaters of the upload sites.
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