Residential panel ground bars

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That factory added ground bar even if you have a jumper cannot be used for a neutral bar.
Sure they can in some cases, like equipment suitable only for use as service equipment, where the bus is permanently affixed to the enclosure.
That factory added ground bar even if you have a jumper cannot be used for a neutral bar.
An added neutral that might be available is isolated from the enclosure and would require a jumper. Every listed suplimental "neutral" bus bar I've found has isolation insulation that keeps bus from direct contact with enclosure. Like image below. Every other bus that is direct connected to the enclosure are listed and limited to use as grounding bus, and specify as not useable as neutral bus. Why? If they are interchangeable.
View attachment 2560271
Thank you i agree and so did the Siemens engineer on use of that insulated neutral
This is how I see it. Anything downstream from the Main Service, the Grounding and Grounded buses need to be separated.
I think what you pictured is a service with an outside disconnect and panel. In the PA area the common aerial service has meter socket outside and in the basement of house is a main breaker panel serving as disconnect. So bonding screw is installed, and the panel is now your first point of disconnect slightly different situation. But in PA we just moved to 2017 code cycle so no outside disconnect required
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