residential rough in and trim

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When I was a kid, Dad was doing a lot of custom homes, the GC would have a planning "meeting" on a Sat./Sun. afternoon which he would take my brother and I to. All the subs were there, we walked thru and got all routing/coordinating issues worked out then and there. Sometimes there was a cookout, most times adult beverages were consumed in mass...
That kind of thing seldom goes on anymore, but when it does, those often end up being the jobs you wish would never end.
I bid the job by specific opening estimated material & time for each unit. some you win at some you lose per opening. materials are a usually a constant but time & hour rate can be adjusted after experience.. as an example: duplex recept - 1- box & device, wirenuts & crimps, 20' of romex, & 30 min of time @ $??.00. -- home runs? breakers?
when I started $2.00 sq ft was common now $8.00 to $10.00 per sq ft for a simple ranch home.
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