Re: residential service
An issue I see in our industry is that most contractors are not business men, but electricians who go out on their own to make a buck and never learn the finer points of running a business.
I've read this many times, yet I haven't seen anyone lending a hand to those who want to learn how to blend-in with the rest of the industry, so they do not have to sell themselves and others within the trade short. Step up, and teach! I'll be looking for help myself--in the coming future-- and will be doing much research before I enter the business, but it want help me to hear about what you are charging, if you can't post reference to how you came to those figures. I tell you this: I like what I'm hearing, and I agree that we should all try being on the same page when it comes to biding. But we want reach that page, unless you are willing to be more straight forward on how the biding, and estimating of cost comes together. Most will be more than willing to stand beside other contractors with bids in hand, but most do not have the education, or experience to do so--so they under bid. Like me, I'm seeking the education, and in time I will get the experience, but as of right now, I haven't learned anything from what I heard, but a lot of numbers.
Hope this helps!
[ April 24, 2005, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: resistance ]