Reuse of Installed Cable

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True, but most conductors are tested when the CB is turned on for the first time. If there's a problem you'll know then. :rolleyes:

That is not testing, that is taking a chance...which seems to be the way some in our industry have been introduced as to how it should be done.

I have been surprised as an inspector in regards to how many shops actually test prior to energizing circuits/feeders/services. It is more than I expected.
I always drool when demoing parking lot pole lighting because I know I will not have to buy hot tub spa wire for a while. Usually 100' or better 4s 6s and 8s Cha Ching!!
When was the last time an electrician meggered every branch circuit before energizing them? Close to never. Like it or not the testing happens when the circuit is turned on for the first time.
I have been told that in Ireland, the inspectors megger the house as part of the inspection. ;)

Would you be adverse to your mechanic installing used brake shoes in your car?

One, you or him would not know the actual condition of the shoes, just as you may not know the actual condition of wiring you pull from one location and then save for another time.
These "unknowns" are what make me wonder...
Would you be adverse to your mechanic installing used brake shoes in your car?

One, you or him would not know the actual condition of the shoes, just as you may not know the actual condition of wiring you pull from one location and then save for another time.
These "unknowns" are what make me wonder...
Wire doesn't physically wear during normal use, while brakes do.

How about comparing new to used plastic, glass, or metal parts.
Would you be adverse to your mechanic installing used brake shoes in your car?
Actually, if you get work done like a new wheel bearing, your mechanic will install (or rather, re-install) your used brake pads back on your car if they still have life left in them. Pretty normal thing to do. You wouldn't want to see the bill if they put back on new parts for everything they had to dismantle to get to what they were really working on.
I have been told that in Ireland, the inspectors megger the house as part of the inspection. ;)

Would you be adverse to your mechanic installing used brake shoes in your car?

One, you or him would not know the actual condition of the shoes, just as you may not know the actual condition of wiring you pull from one location and then save for another time.
These "unknowns" are what make me wonder...

Ever read up on British compliance? We have it easy here.
When was the last time an electrician meggered every branch circuit before energizing them? Close to never. Like it or not the testing happens when the circuit is turned on for the first time.

In industry Meggering cables are a MUST and reports are filed. Using the breaker to 'test' the wiring is inexcusable. The MCB's are built for one single full fault after which they should be replaced as per manufacturers directives.

There is a much greater chance of the conductors being damaged while pulling out as there is no lubricant AND the dried lubricant is in the conduit that produces additional resistance. Its a case-by-case decision and the cable should be Megger-ed both after pulled out and after pulled into the new location. Visulal observation while the conductors are coming out also helpful to find weakened spots on the insulation that do not show up on the Megger but could become troublesome later on.
Using the breaker to 'test' the wiring is inexcusable.

I'm not making a judgment as to whether or not it's right or wrong but that is SOP for most of the world. If we put up a poll as to how many residential/commercial electricians megger their branch circuits before they turn on the CB's I would think that the poll would show that almost none do. :rolleyes:
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