Reversed polarity receptacles

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Re: Reversed polarity receptacles

My 40 year old patio light quit the other day. Changed the bulb, no light. Looked closer to find the internal wiring had disintegrated. Replaced it with the right colors and you can bet I maintained polarity.
Re: Reversed polarity receptacles

Know what you mean Rattus I bet it wasn't a three wire circuit.

Do you reckon Lady sparks is mad at me for turning her question into a circus?

The polarity should never be backwards but if it is, it all depends on whats plugged into it rather a fault would cause a hazard or not.

Ronald :)
Re: Reversed polarity receptacles

Originally posted by ronaldrc:
Know what you mean Rattus I bet it wasn't a three wire circuit.

Do you reckon Lady sparks is mad at me for turning her question into a circus?


By the way, I'm peeking in for the tent, see me? :)

Re: Reversed polarity receptacles

Lady Sparks

I see you peeping in and I can tell you ain't mad.

Ronald :D

[ April 08, 2005, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: ronaldrc ]
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