We have used Romex run through both RNC and EMT.
All applications were in DRY locations.
All ends of the conduit were bushed.
Passed inspection repeatedly.
Romex cable covering was intact until inside the junction box,
where a transition joint was made.
From the code I read, the Romex sheathing must remain INTACT.
The 'rated as' labeling is stamped on the sheathing,
not stamped on the conductors.
We could NOT establish that the conductors were THHN,
because the manufacturer 'Listed' the entire cable assembly.
Transition to THHN was done in a junction box, per code.
When pulling runs in a sub-paneled residential garage,
or runs in a sub-paneled basement,
we pull Romex from the load center, across the joists,
and into EMT for the drop down the cement block wall.
We use bushings as the Romex enters the EMT,
and pull the Romex (with sheathing intact) into the junction box.