romex or ac cable?

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Senior Member
I'm bidding a hair salon and I'm wondering if romex would be permitted. Not sure of the bldg type but its an old strip mall, steel wall studs, drywall, and wood ceiling beams. Salon is on the ground floor of a 2 story strip mall. I believe New York State says a public assembly is 50 people or more so this would not be one. Its a very small salon. approx 600 sq ft. So ac cable or romex. Thanks in advance.
I believe New York State says a public assembly is 50 people or more so this would not be one.

Even if it held more than 50 people does not always mean it is a place of assembly.

A supermarket or a Walmart may hold well over 50 people but they are still not places of Assembly.

But as has been pointed out the NEC prohibits NM above suspended ceilings in commercial locations.
I apologize beforehand if off-topic, but we recently trouble-shot a small hair salon-- just a reminder that some of those heavy duty hand-held hair dryers they use draw 16 amps all by themselves, meaning each station needs at least 1 dedicated plus access to another circuit.
Depends on the type construction. You can run NM in a type IA construction but would have to run it in conduit. This is a new 2008 change.

Without knowing the type construction, you cannot know if you can use NM or if you can HOW you can use it.
NM in commercial buildings is very common in Florida. You pipe/MC down the exterior walls then run romex around the interior walls. MC up the the lights in the usually dropped ceilings.
NM in commercial buildings is very common in Florida. You pipe/MC down the exterior walls then run romex around the interior walls. MC up the the lights in the usually dropped ceilings.

Sounds like that method would keep the NM out of the suspended ceiling.
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