romex staples????????

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someone told me that a person can't put two romex (one on top of the other) under the same staple. I know that the code talks about being stapled on edge but, does anybody know if it says anything about on top of each other?


Senior Member
Staff member
Logan, Utah
Welcome to the forum.:)

The NEC does not prohibit multiple NM cables installed under a single staple.

Many times the staple manufacture will specify how many cables should be installed under the staple.



Senior Member
Welcome to the forum.:)

The NEC does not prohibit multiple NM cables installed under a single staple.

Many times the staple manufacture will specify how many cables should be installed under the staple.

Yeah, & I hear some inspectors (not me) won't pass a job unless they have the listing. :roll:


Senior Member
Staff member
Logan, Utah
Yeah, & I hear some inspectors (not me) won't pass a job unless they have the listing. :roll:

I have heard that too.

Its tough for an inspector to require listed staples when the NEC doesn't require NM cable securing means to be listed.

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curt swartz

Electrical Contractor - San Jose, CA
San Jose, CA
Electrical Contractor
I have been in the trade for over 25 years and have never seen a listed Romex (NM) staple. Since they are not listed why do we have to follow the manufactures recommendations on the box? What?s to stop me from buying barrels of staples from one of the staple manufactures and re-boxing them under my own brand name? I could put suitable for (3)14-2 or (3)12-2 NM cables.


Vancouver, BC
Iberville CIS-1 (good for 1 14/2 or 12/2 romex) or CIS-2 (good for two romex) are listed and stamped with the UL symbol. If I wasn't so lazy I'd get one from my stock and scan it :D


Senior Member
There are places where only 1 wire per drilled hole, only 6 outlets on any general purpose circuit, wire has to have the printed info facing outward, other endless variations. Thank God I live in a cool place. Not too much of that tripe here.


Senior Member
Spotsylvania, VA
Staples are indeed listed....check out just one manufacturer:

As for 110.3(B) is clearly says listed or labeled and most all staple manufactures give instructions on the box or packaging. They fall under the definition of equipment:

Equipment. A general term, including material, fittings,
devices, appliances, luminaires, apparatus, machinery, and
the like used as a part of, or in connection with, an electrical

And 110.3(B) makes reference to :

(B) Installation and Use. Listed or labeled equipment
shall be installed and used in accordance with any instructions
included in the listing or labeling.

Their is a right way and wrong way to install a staple.....

Most inspectors are not going to harp on this if it looks like the cable is not damaged but if they so choose.....I believe they have that choice.

slick 50

Senior Member
I have been known to run 4, 5, or even 6 under a range cable staple. The NEC contadicts itself when they limit the wires under 1 staple and the area along the stud that the wires are permitted to be run. When you are running 10 wires out of a 4 gang switch box, you need realstate and it also looks alot neater with range cable staples I think...


Senior Member
New England
I have been known to run 4, 5, or even 6 under a range cable staple. The NEC contadicts itself when they limit the wires under 1 staple and the area along the stud that the wires are permitted to be run. When you are running 10 wires out of a 4 gang switch box, you need realstate and it also looks alot neater with range cable staples I think...
What's wrong with cable stackers ?


Senior Member
It's just one more thing you need and one more thing to run out of. The electrical field requires sooooooo many different this and thats, you would have to drive around a school bus with a ladder rack....:grin:

Jeez, what all do you haul into a dwelling when you rough it in? Ladders, drill & cord, along with your tool pouch would be half it. Rolls of 14, 12, etc. boxes n such. would be another 45%. Wire nuts and staples will go in your pouch.

I don't think I use more than 6 or 8 on any given dwelling..... so I stick that many in my pouch. If I need more, I just grab them at the end of the day when I start taking tools out to the truck, and install them once I go back in to grab the NM that's left over.
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