Rommex question - South Florida

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you gotta love florida for all the different requirements.... i still find changes here from city to city and if its in question its better to ask the AHJ than to just guess

It's likely just as bad anyplace you work. Inspectors are just like the regular members here. We seldom agree 100 % on anything but the very clear yes and no type questions. Depends on who your inspector is in that area, what day it is and if he had a fight with his wife that morning. Call it the human factor. Of all the counties pineallas is the one i hated the most.
Have had inspectors that can run threw a 10 unit warehouse in 15 minutes on a rough and others that take an hour to inspect a 1 day job. Be there prepaired with tool belt, prints and a cleaned up job site. I took it personal if my job would get a tag for anything. Last thing i ever wanted was to call my office to say we failed.
being in pinellas i know what you mean... they can be hardballers here but as i work statewide i have found some that make even the tough Tampa bay area inspectors look like

About 8 years ago I was trying to get a 100 amp temp power going for a house that had major fire damage. Problem was service was undergroung and hand hole was across street. POCO meter was fine and not to be replaced so we intended to put a 3R panel next to it on outside for our temp. Sounds simple enough but along comes electrical inspector and makes me stop because no permit yet. Anyone doing fire jobs knows that you only have a couple days to get the fans and dehumidifiers running or mildew from the water starts in. Wasn't like we were not getting a permit just that I needed to get started 911 without it. Mark it up to another one of there fine inspectors. Sit and wait till my boss goes to pick up the permit.
Oh boy, does the new statewide laws mean that if you are using stak-on barrell crimps in Naples now, you do not need to use the Buchannon 4 point crimper tool? The fact that we had to if we ventured ten foot south of Lee County in long ago days is burned into my memory...
Oh boy, does the new statewide laws mean that if you are using stak-on barrell crimps in Naples now, you do not need to use the Buchannon 4 point crimper tool? The fact that we had to if we ventured ten foot south of Lee County in long ago days is burned into my memory...
No telling what Collier county wants now. Seen it last month and could not believe the changes in 10 years. Glad we sold out when we did.
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