Room Index - Just Wondering?

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Depends on the situation, how much wire I have to work with and where it enters the panel.

I do like to keep related circuits close together (AC-AH) and I ALWAYS try to isolate the AC breaker. In AZ they tend to burn up in the summer.
e57 said:
As you noted Bob - there is some sense to it 'listing wise' of load per stab - and most panels are full sized stabs at the top.....

Agreed, but beyond that it is nothing more then personal preference. Assuming it's balanced there is no one way that is electrically better then another.


We do it as Larry has shown above. However, we leave enough sheathing "IN" the panel to make a secondary marking. Marking it above the panel does not do much good when the sheetrock goes up.
bigjohn67 said:
We do it as Larry has shown above. However, we leave enough sheathing "IN" the panel to make a secondary marking. Marking it above the panel does not do much good when the sheetrock goes up.
Same here, and sometimes I mark the panel interior. This particular job was a basement, with exposed cabling, and even if other sections of the basement are finished, this utility area will never be.

Here's another picture:

I've read this entire thread and nobody has seemed to mention the obvious. Why not simply get a number book and number your wires?
And then include a little sketch or diagram of the house showing what these numbered circuits feed. This way there will be no question of what is "Chip's bedroom".
And why don't the number book people make a book of labels "LINE" and "LOAD"? This would help with downstream GFCI circuits. Or a new color of tape -- such as HOT PINK -- to identify the hot, incoming line wires?
peter said:
And why don't the number book people make a book of labels "LINE" and "LOAD"? This would help with downstream GFCI circuits. Or a new color of tape -- such as HOT PINK -- to identify the hot, incoming line wires?

Why not just write it in the box?
Why not simply get a number book and number your wires?

WAY too time consuming for me. The more productive I am the more I earn.It takes me forever to fish thru the pages and peel those numbers off and trying to land them in the right place before everything is made up is tough.

I hate em.
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