Roping conductors in CT cabinets?

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Senior Member
Palm Bay, FL
Anyone ever heard of roping conductors in a CT cabinet? I'm installing CT cabinets and a notice in the cabinet (or was it in the POCO manual?) said to rope the conductors together. What's this for and how is it done? There's no instructions given with what I have.
Here is an example

continuious current rating and fault current are two different animals your 800A gear could see thousands of ampere under a fault condition. The picture Iwire posted shows one method of mitigating damage from magnetic strees when conductors carry these high faults. Buss bars can be ripped out of the cans. One of the reasons you need to secure wiring methods is due to the conductors slapping or stressing under fault conditions. The same can happen in swtchboars and ct cabinets etc.
Whats the impedance of the transformer????
It's a good pic though. Like Mt climbers roped together. If one falls the others hold him. And if they can not... they all fall...
We rope all our CT cans over here. The CT cans we use have a diagram right on the perch showing how to do it. I believe we were told if there is a diagram showing how to do it, we must do it per the manufacturers instructions. If they're wasn't a diagram, it was assumed we didn't have to rope it.

So basically, we've had to do it every time...;)
We rope all our CT cans over here. The CT cans we use have a diagram right on the perch showing how to do it. I believe we were told if there is a diagram showing how to do it, we must do it per the manufacturers instructions. If they're wasn't a diagram, it was assumed we didn't have to rope it.

So basically, we've had to do it every time...;)
I just did a 1200 amp a few months ago now I have to go back and look
continuious current rating and fault current are two different animals your 800A gear could see thousands of ampere under a fault condition. The picture Iwire posted shows one method of mitigating damage from magnetic strees when conductors carry these high faults. Buss bars can be ripped out of the cans. One of the reasons you need to secure wiring methods is due to the conductors slapping or stressing under fault conditions. The same can happen in swtchboars and ct cabinets etc.
Whats the impedance of the transformer????

I'm not sure. I'd have to look.
Wouldnt sealing locknuts work in place of meyers hub? around here a meyers hub only has to be installed on the top of a box sealing LNs work for the sides?
Sealing locknuts have the same rating as hubs, so if you can use them on the sides, you should also be able to use them on the top.
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