I agree, and if the screws from a face mount an issue with the rockers, tapers, finishers, they have no business doing it. And if that is an issue, you better not use a 4sq box, the face screws will send them screaming and crying to mommy. I've yet to find a residential rocker who knows what to do with a 4sq with 1/2" mud ring on 1/2" rock. Had humps so bad can't get a cover plate to sit against the wall.
I'm tired of the onerous of other trades lack of ability seems to comeback on the electrician who is constantly asked to do unsafe or code violating installation just to make their jobs "easier" with a plethora of "Can't You Just". (Not that the request to the OP is a code violation yet.) Come back to do finals and find Plumbing installed over my panel or hvac blocking access to panel "working space". (Just other examples of same problem.)